Written by Sheffield City Council

As a council we want to improve how we listen and respond to communities, making it easier for people to contact us and raise any concerns, both as individuals and as communities.

Over the coming months, we want to talk to communities about what matters to them; how they can approach the council, the ways we are changing in terms of decision making and how we can make it easier for people and communities to get involved and influence things that happen both locally and city-wide.  We are committed to engaging, empowering and enabling communities, connecting with, listening to and involving people right across the city.

We would like to hear about the things that are important to you – please take 5 minutes to complete our short survey.

How we make decisions

As you may be aware, the way the Council makes decisions is changing. Following the result of the Governance Referendum on the 6 May 2021, we are moving from a Leader and Cabinet model to a Committee System of governance.  We are one of the first major cities to do this and we want to work with everyone in Sheffield to make this successful. You can find out more information about these changes here.

Local Area Committees

Another important change is the launch of Local Area Committees, we have established seven Local Area Committees (each covering four electoral wards) as part of our Empowering Communities Programme.

Local Area Committees will be the Council's primary route to work with local people to address local issues and to enable more opportunities for local people to influence what happens in their areas. Local Area Committees will be led by local Councillors. They will offer a range of opportunities for involvement, recognising that people want to get involved at different levels and in different ways. This will include holding regular public meetings in the community, with the first meetings due to take place in September / October 2021.

The feedback you give will help shape Local Area Committees and will also inform the development of a Local Community Plan – one for each of the 7 Local Area Committees - which will outline local priorities and the actions that will be taken.  

You can find out more about Local Area Committees here

Why your views matter

We would like to hear about the things that are important to you.  

This survey is just the start of this conversation.

We will continue to talk to communities and partner organisations, including the voluntary, community and faith sector over the coming months to gather your views. 

We will also be looking at the feedback you have given us so far, including through the Big City Conversation.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and share your views.

Give us your views

Online Survey