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A day after i have given birth, it is time to take birth in the few minutes that i have as the hospital caretakers take my baby for a bath.

I quickly gather my things to go for a bath, mind you i have just had a c section and coming out of bed has to be very strategic that i do not trip on anything to avoid hurting my clearly unhealed wound.

I manage to make it to the bath which is an ensuite after 5 minutes or more. I am pretty sure the care takers are almost done bathing my baby who will need to be breastfed when she get here.

I take my bath mindfully and now its time to dress up!

We have a problem, just one day after giving birth my breasts are so big they are almost the size of my new baby! I have no nursing bra, the baby is out and my belly looks like you can find another baby or two left inside. I do not have a maternity panty that can hug it all in place.

I brought my cute leggings that i hope will fit me after giving birth and yes they do but are uncomfortable on my belly area. So i do not have a few post maternity clothes. You can easily use pregnancy clothes but right now i just want to feel comfortable to easily nurse my baby.

I pick my bra and and i have to tuck in my boobs into the smaller bra. It is so disturbing and the underwires are making me hurt. My panty is uncomfortable too because it keeps moving around my wound area.

So i found myself as a mother in need of such things that you may not want to ignore in future as you are planning to have a new baby or things you can bring up for discussion that the expecting mother can prepare for. It is these small necessary things that can actually make your life more comfortable as you nurse your new born baby.

Are you expecting or planning to have a baby in the future? There are those needs for mom that makes her postpartum journey much more easier which can be easily forgotten or perceived unimportant.

Please do consider Futhi's list for moms and customise it to make it your list favourable to your needs. This is a guide for the new mom and mom to be.

  1. A nursing bra

Your breasts will definitely grow bigger as you breastfeed. A nursing bra will help you feel comfortable as you nurse your beautiful baby. It comes in different hook options that enable you not only to take out your whole breast as you breastfeed but unhook a part of the bra so you can feed easily.

Tip: learn as much as you can about breastfeeding because it does not come as naturally as you may assume. You need to latch well ( insert nipple ) in baby's mouth strategically so you do not develop wounds around your nipole area and find your baby suffering from hunger because milk is not getting to the baby well. This is the worst thing to happen to a mother.

You might as well get yourself comfortable matching panties that hug your waist making you feel more comfortable instantly.

  • Comfy leggings that hug your belly area

You need these for comfort and if it is possible get quite a few so you change them daily. They come in handy on your post partum journey.

  • Comfortable stretch v neck top

This will help you feel comfortable as you breastfeed whenever a need rises. Sometimes when you take longer getting the breastmilk to baby, the baby gets irritated. Yes your one year old baby gets irritated. It will help you not feel overworked too as you breastfeed from time to time.

  • Easy slip on shoes

You will desire to take a nap from time to time and it may help you to have slip on shoes to easily remove and wear during the day. When you visit the bathroom you will not struggle.

  • Find the easiest skincare routine

This goes a long way as you focus on taking care of your baby and maximise on tye time you have. All you want is a sufficient face wash and moisturiser because all other steps may not be possible. Taking care of a new born baby is quite the fulltime job because you are still getting to know your baby and so much time goes to the little one. You can never comprehend that leisure time becomes luxury until you are a mom to a new born. So pack up your face wash and moisturiser.

  • Bottled water

This will keep you hydrated even before your baby comes. When your baby arrives, the body begins to reserve most water in your body for the baby's milk. You might be dehydrated a lot. So pack up some bottled water that will be on your bed side. The hospital may provide but you need water to be available at all times.

  • A nursing pillow

You will need it! You will be breastfeeding and you will get tired because you are new at this or are doing it for the second time but the extra assistance helps a lot.

  • Wipes

Be sure to include wipes in your mom pack so you keep everything clean. This will help you to keep hands clean too before feeding your baby. So feel free to include some portable fresh towels too

  • A belly belt

It just helps the stomach stop sagging too much. This will also help you eat well and not to over eat. There is space in your stomach after giving birth that is more like a vacuum. This can make you feel like you need more food.

A belly belt helps to hold that vacuum so you know when you are full. You are not eating for two. Try having many small meals too. The favourable one is the stretching one which come in different colours.

If you have had a c section try to make sure your wound is ready for a belly belt before you wear one.

  • Tissue oil, body butter, vaseline

Your body is still changing a lot. Each little moment you afford nurture it to help the transition. You do not want to undo long term effects of stretch marks yet you can prevent. Its always better to prevent.

  • A meal plan for your family

With the baby's arrival, things change a lot. The baby takes most of the time and have a plan on meal preparation. Make a plan with your spouse if he can assist with meals for a period of time. So you can easily adjust to this wonderful period of your life. Consider how many meals you have per day and if keeping some frozen meals can help.

  • Recruiting a new nanny

I have included this on my facebook daily mini blog. I write about recruiting a nanny and a guide on how to. I will blog about this soon here too please see posts here Allthingsgodlypretty Mommyblog

  • Just take a nap

Nap when your baby sleeps really. It will help reduce unnecessary anxiety. When you are able to sleep, you recharge your body and you are able to handle any challenge.

  • Enjoy your body and your baby

You will get those comments of just how much you have gained weight and how you should rush to lose the baby weight. People's expectations are on another level, just enjoy your baby and your body. You are a mom! Its such a precious gift.

When your baby cries, remember that is how they communicate. It is just for you to figure out what they are saying to you. Publicly it may be looked as a failure for a mom, no honey! You are a natural and just need help from time to time of things you may not be aware of.

Please remember to include breast pads, a breast pump, baby things and other things you love to add to your list. I will have part 2 of baby things which are quite known hence it comes later on this blog.

I pray this journey to be as beautiful and smooth as you desire for you and your precious baby.

Wrapped in love

Futhi Mkhwanazi

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