First of all, still expecting the unexpected. Just when we think we know what is going on, something changes or we are off to a new trimester or something new causes heartburn or... just being pregnant during a worldwide pandemic is in a league of its own and we have had a few things here and there that have added to this pregnancy experience. They say, they being everyone, that every pregnancy is different and every child is different in how they want to make their entrance into the world. TRUTH.


We added some of our own variables to the experience: moving, this changed a lot for us. We are closer to family, but not close at the same time. We have not really built a support network around us here yet... we have not really looked for a church, we are in the process of making new friends (safely) and medically speaking; we are in a totally different network. I went from having an amazing DO and Primary Care Provider in our old place to having a four person doctor team overseeing my pregnancy, which I thought was kind of cool at the beginning because they all bring experience and expertise to the table. BUT, they have the tendency to not be on the same page which has led to some major frustrations for a hormone ridden woman who knows her body: ME. Some of the difficulties have been because some of them really listen while others just look at you as a number. Some of the difficulties have been because they don't even really know what is on the medical chart. Some of them have certain ways of handling situations and others don't. Some of them love the way I chart my numbers/food logs/etc while others don't. Some of them believe me when I say that my thyroid levels are off and need to be checked/adjusted while others don't. So with the move came a whole new healthcare system. Overall, most of the Docs have been delightful and you could say I really do miss my DO who knew me and trusted me to listed to my body.
On the plus side of the move comes the nesting... Most everything has found a place minus the stuff I am not allowed to lift or home improvement projects that are waiting because of the chemicals that cannot be handled while expecting... but all in good time.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes: Well, that was unexpected. But being borderline GDM is not the worst thing. Getting used to poking myself daily, making sure I am eating enough and the right stuff has been a little bit of a chore but no major adjustments to the diet... we took out some Ale81s and some excessive occasional ice cream and la rosas pizza (my husband and my child... love this pizza, I swear the sauce is sugar) and some minor things here and there. I am thankful to be in tier one where I am not taking any kind of insulin or medication to manage my numbers... all diet and exercise managed. And even though two weeks ago I got scolded by one doctor for my few and far between high numbers, today's appointment went well and I was praised for having 90% of my readings in the perfected range and documentation of what caused elevations a few times. And overall I weigh less than I did with my first and after talking with the docs... they think the first pregnancy could have been GDM that went under the radar because she was a 8lb, 6oz babe and we are not very big people...

The Rona

Pandemic wise, this has been the worst. I literally could not get in to see a doctor for the longest time at the beginning of the pregnancy because of Covid... everything protocol wise had changed, patients were limited during the day due to precautions. Now, I am happy they took the necessary steps to ensure safety but I didn't get seen until I was in my second trimester almost. This is my second pregnancy that has been successful... but there have been many limitations because of the pandemic. I have mostly stayed home. I went to work for a season commuting in for a day or two a month. I got vaccinated, felt more secure saw some family and then things got worse again with the variant.

Reasons I got vaccinated as a pregnant lady:

  • Miscarriage... I had already had one due to what was suspected as covid in 2020. I didn't really want that to be the reason to lose another baby.
  • Proning: this is a technique in the hospital used to manage the symptoms of covid where they will lay you on your belly... guess who cannot do that... pregnant ladies because it can cause complications to the body.
  • C-sections are increased in covid positive pregnancies... but who wants to take a gamble when your body is already stressed out from covid and now adding in a major surgery puts a pregnant lady at higher morbidity levels... not to mention the complications for baby.
  • Studies are finding that babies on the inside while vaccinated have a higher rate of immunity. Considering my toddler cannot get vaxxed I am super excited that at least one of my children is safer.

But even so, we took precautions: I listened when the Docs advised not traveling more than 1 hour from the hospital because other hospitals may be redirecting their in-labor patients or not have the capacity. We had a sweet little intimate shower which was a highlight of my late summer! We have not put our toddler back into childcare (children who have had prior upper respiratory infections are more at risk to experience Covid symptoms, our oldest had RSV) and because of that my husband has not been to a single appointment, which was very different from the first pregnancy. And after our hospital stay, our oldest will meet her little sister at home, not at the hospital like many families have done in the past. Things are so different but I am thankful for policies and procedures to keep all those that I love safe. And you can disagree with the choices I made but I have no regrets so far.


The Cats have Gone Crazy: Well, I know the end is near for this pregnancy because the cats are doing what my cats do at the beginning and the end of a pregnancy. They boss me around, sit on me and follow me everywhere. LITERALLY. EVERYWHERE. This includes our less snuggly and less social feline. The End. Is. Near.

Normalish Pregnancy Stuff

  • Heartburn: we are talking the sun inside of a volcano inside of my body... just saying. And the weirdest things can give it to me; giant cup of ice cold water, cheerios, yogurt, moving around, etc.
  • Brain Fog: affectionately known as Baby Brain... it has happened, thankful for grace with work and life because when your brain is empty and your bladder is full, you might forget everything. There have been a few moments where I have forgotten some very important things; thankfully I have yet to leave milk out of the fridge or put things in weird places. And the Real Estate Classes on extension for the time being... retention in the brain is also something that does not really work at this time.
  • Sluggishness: thankfully, I have a toddler that keeps me on my toes and I haven't gotten to nap like I would like but she does like to snuggle so we do have moments of resting.
  • Swelling: hands and feet, thankfully not so much in the ankles this time around but every morning I am swelly and stiff.
  • Hip Pain: I did not really experience this the first time around... and shoooooot it hurts! This kiddo likes to hang out lower than the first which in some ways is better than the dislocated ribs from the first but I guess everything has its pros and cons.
  • Early contractions: Not something I experienced with my first at all, I didn't even really have much of Braxton-Hicks with my first but here we are since week 32/33 and have been having them irregularly with a dash of some pretty intense ones last weekend. Another reason the docs say to hang out within an hour of the hospital... this girl is very different from the first, seems like she might want to come earlier. Maybe?
  • Bathroom breaks... all the time. No need to say more here.

Overall this is the update, everything looks good and today we were given a great report by one of the many docs overseeing this pregnancy.

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