It's the end of the working week and I'm a bit exhausted from all the things that have been going on recently. I have been making a big push on completing my van conversion before going away for a week to Wales. Every spare moment I have has been taken up with sourcing materials, applying materials or thinking about what is the next step in the process. I have found that, even though I have budgeted for the conversion, I'm seeing more money spent than progress made. Whilst sorting out the van i'm also working my job which is going through seasonal changes too. 

I need to get away from all of these little stressors and enjoy what I have already. The plan was to stay overnight in the van and to then go for a sea swim in the morning. By the time I had settled down to food after work I didn't have the energy to go out in the van and drive to the location. I knew that if I didn't go out that I would regret the decision for the memories It would bring me. I made the big step and got in the van to drive. The sun had gone down by now so I wouldn't get a chance to say goodbye to it. When we arrived at the location then we parked up and made sure the van was ready for sleeping. We had a stroll along the beach in the dark and saw there were others enjoying this evening too. There were two sets of fisherman trying to make a catch on the shoreline and there was also a small family who were sitting around a small fire. They had hot drinks and blankets and looked like they had enjoyed their evening on the beach. 

The Beach House

We decided to make a pit stop in the pub that was close by the beach and sit out in the beer garden to relax into our evening. We both chose drinks produced by a local brewery and were treated to a quint beer garden. We sat out with our winter jumpers on and the temperature was just right. A sea mist was starting to settle in so had kept the warm temperatures. Whilst at the pub I was able to use their wifi to download an episode of a TV programme onto my phone so we had something to watch when we got in the van. We used the facilities before we left and then got cosy in the van. The van, at this point, Had been insulated under the floor and on the side walls, I had still yet to do the ceiling. We could instantly tell the difference in the sidewalls being done. We had a very cosy night sleep and woke at 8AM in the morning. 

When I opened the rear doors of the van I was greeted by a heavy sea fog that meant that I was unable to see the beach, even though it was only 30 metres away from the van. The dense fog meant that It was potentially too dangerous for us to swim in the sea as we wouldn't be visible. We decided to put our swimwear underneath our clothes and take the coffee maker with us so that we could brew up on the beach. If the weather was bad we could have a coffee on the beach, if the weather was good then we could have a hot drink afterwards. The sea was pancake flat and mirrored the skies. You were unable to tell where the sea ended and the sky began. The sea still held the summer warmth and matched the outside air temperatures. A few cormorants were diving for food. When we got out we put the coffee on and got changed. 

Sitting on the beach with a warm drink and an afterglow from swimming was definitely the memories I wanted to be making. This was the reason why I had the van, to make sure I kept getting outside and increasing my well being with these types of experiences, this was the magic that I needed to change my mood and prepare me for another day. The troubles of yesterday seemed somewhat insignificant now. This is why I enjoy my Moments Of Outdoors.

If you want to see what else I have been doing then follow me on social media.

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