Sunset/ Sunrise September is something that I have never tried before. In Fact I have no idea if it's actually a thing?! 

The idea behind it is that I wanted to see as many sunsets or sunrises in September. This is the month where the nights start to get shorter and the autumn equinox happens. September is the month when the kids go back to school and it usually signifies the end of the summer. I didn't want my adventures to end just because the weather was changing so I felt that this miniature challenge would still keep my spark alight. It started one evening when I wanted to watch the sun go down and I had rushed to get to a location on time and subsequently missed the spectacle of the sunset. I wanted to then make sure that I witness as many sunsets as possible for the next month. Later in the month I included sunrises because the sun was coming up later. Instead of rising at 6AM to see the sun I could get up later to see the sun come up.   

Sunset on the Beach

There have been many times when I have been driving and the sun has set but I didn't want to include these as sunsets because I had not taken the time to appreciate the moment. It has happened and I have observed it but not truly appreciated it. The sunset would count If I took the time to watch it go down, not be distracted by going somewhere or interacting with a screen or some form of technology. 

One of the best Sunsets

I had also tried to see the sunrise a few times and had made these into special moments too. One of them was when I had stayed out in the van and was able to watch the sun come up behind the van before I started on my way to work. Another time I got out of bed and made a coffee to then walk to a place to watch the sun come up. Unfortunately on that day, sea mist put a stop to being able to see the sun come up and welcome a new day. Even though I wasn't successful in seeing the sun come up that day I had made an effort to enjoy my moment of outdoors.

Sunrise over the van

So how successful would I say I have been whilst doing this. In terms of quantifying what I have seen It would be 7 sunsets and 3 Sunrises. This doesn't sound a lot but when you throw in weather conditions (excuses) then I am happy for the first year of giving this a go. Yes, I could have made more of an effort to see the sun go down or come up but I wanted to see what was achievable first. Give myself a benchmark for future years. As for being a success to get me out and about and enjoying the outdoors this has certainly been great. I have extended my outdoor experience for another month and have embraced the change in seasons.

If you want to see what else I have been up to recently then check out my social media.

Instagram: Moments Of Outdoors

Facebook: Moments Of Outdoors

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