First time, it was, a, "careless" mistake, second time this happened, yeah, it might still be, attributable, to man-made, errors, but a third?  It sounds MORE like a CONSPIRACY to me now!

There'd been, several cases of "accidental" vaccinations of Medigenvac, the country's own, "home-grown" vaccines that the government bought a whole lot of, believing, that they can, INJECT us, useless, LABRATS for them, and yet, now, nobody wants to get these, and so, there were, more and more, recurring, instances "oops, we did it again!" (not by Spears though…), this latest, was a teenage kid, who'd, signed UP for the vaccinations from BNT, but, the "medical professionals" had, "mistakenly" vaccinated him with a dose from Medigenvac and the teen is not experiencing, any discomfort, and the clinic used the "excuse" of how the teenager is taller built, looking more like an adult (as the homegrown Medigenvac are only used on the adult populations???), and, there were the cases previously, of how someone signed up for the W.H.O. approved vaccines who got, stabbed with a needle with Medigenvac, and this had been happening, since the "homegrown" vaccines had started in use, and, it's still NOT by chance nor accident, because the government now, realized, that the vaccine they vouched for wasn't, effective enough, and knowing this, NOBODY would want it, and, the government would've, spent, ALL of OUR ('cuz it's still the TAXPAYERS' hard-earned dollars!) money on it, and all of that, is, WASTED, and the government can't allow that to happen, so it comes up with these, bullshitting excuses, of, "mistakenly injecting someone" or, "oops!  I did NOT read the labels", or, "too many different kinds of vaccines being administered right now, and I just got, CONFUSED!!!"

there are the various COLORS of the different labels of the different brands, so, how the @#$% can they, mess it up???

and the sizes of the "bottles" are, different too!

And all of this, is still JUST, BULLSHIT!

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