The holiday season is fast approaching! I have always hated just gifting stuff for my kids on Christmas not just because it creates unnecessary clutter but I firmly believe that our children will remember the fun things that they get to do and not the stuff they had. This is why I am an advocate of experience gifts at Christmas time! Here are my 5 reasons on why you should gift experiences instead of things this holiday season.

Experience Gifts for Kids

Why you Should Gift Experiences to your Kids

Less Clutter

I don't know about you but our house is fully cluttered with massive amounts of stuff. Toys mostly. By gifting experience gifts in place of traditional gifts means the clutter is reduced.

Create Memories

One big reason to give experience gifts to your children is to create long lasting memories. My son still remembers trips that we took years ago and talks about them frequently. I hope to do the same with my daughter as well and is why this holiday season I am focusing more on gifting experiences than actual stuff.

No batteries required/fighting

No batteries or assembly required which that in itself should be the number one reason to gift experiences. No fighting over toys that is. Even though my kids are about 6 years apart, they still fight over the the toys that we have no matter what it is. During experiences, the fighting is minimal and at least they are not fighting over the items.

Easy to do

You don't have to spend a lot of money to give experiences as gifts to your children this holiday season. Sure, trips are fun but they can be expensive when you add up the costs but they are not the only experience gifts available to give. Movie tickets, rock climbing trips, season passes to a water park or learn how to do something like skiing make great experiences for kids and it is easy to do!

Brings the family together

I don't know about you but my kids spend a lot of time playing with their toys or on devices. This leaves little time for family time. Experience gifts create an opportunity to spend time with your children and as a family before they grow up.