Cassie explains the difference between being a registered dietician and a nutritionist.  It is someone who has education and credentials in the area of nutrition and is able to provide medical nutritional medicine.

The difference is anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, but a registered dietician does have those credentials.

Cassie focuses on women 45 and up to deal with emotional eating.

Although traditional registered dieticians may start with a medical history, Cassie looks more to the emotional reasons for their issues with food, and with problems of using food to numb or avoid feeling your feelings.

She talks about self-talk, choices we make every day, and the circle of feeling good and then afterwards feeling bad.  She says the positive to that circle, or that loop is that there is multiple places to intervene.  The first place to start is why are you eating, and how you can feel those instead.

She said the prevailing bad advice is "just don't do it".   Cassie said she struggled herself, and even with all the education she had on the subject, she still had to come to terms with feeling the emotion, and that is not an easy thing to do.  She said you don't just numb the bad feelings, you also numb the good ones too.  She also shares that stress is the biggest emotion that people try to numb, and that "stress" is the "bottom layer of the cheesecake".

You can find Cassie at  And if you go to, you can get a free step by step what it's going to get towards healing, which doesn't have a lot to do with food.

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