The wordings of the law…this is a total, loophole, how the government department sponsored program tried to explain his ways out of having an extramarital affair, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Tongue-Twisting Ways of Saying Extramarital Affairs, is Still, Extramarital, Affairs

The course title I'd started teaching again at Huafan University, the logics of romance; based off of traditional logic, the definitions are important, defining something clearly, then, we can, decide if the claims are true or false, then, formulate our theses based off of this.

Recently, the Department of Welfare & Sanitation's Medical Welfare Foundation C.E.O., Wang was busted for his extramarital affair; at first, he'd stated of the woman, she was someone he'd known for a very long time from work, denied having dated her, and that they were having an extramarital affair.  But since the paparazzi came, in the chases by the various news media press, Wang finally publicly stated on FB, that this matter is private, that he'd handled it improperly, that it'd caused his team of professional and families, troubles, and openly apologized; then, he'd, taken himself out of the public's eyes, until awhile ago, he and his wife got interviewed by the magazines, and told of his own behaviors as "improper, unfitting, that it wasn't good of him, that he wasn't, the idealistic, spouse."

Fundamentally, this is a private matter of Wang's life, but the problem lies in the wordings he'd used in the interviews, that he is, a public figure, and what he stated, mattered, and it has a sort of a defining of a marriage for the rest of the society, at the same time, it's a matter of personal morale, and honesty too.

What's meant by extramarital affair, I'd asked the students to define in my lecture, most stated that it's having emotional connection, sexual intercourse with another outside of one's own, marriage.  And I'd, asked them to define it a bit, farther: if it's just a "smuggling of emotions", or a one-night-stand here and there, would that also constitutes as extramarital affairs too?  Basically, my students would believe that one would need both, for the extramarital affair to stand up, that, without the sex, the smuggling of emotions, or those one-night stands without the emotional attachments are only infidelity to one's own spouses, that it constituted only as improper, unfitting, relationships.

And so, as Wang defined his own behaviors as "improper", "ill-fitted", what does he mean? 

This simplified question of logic, means, that all extramarital affairs are improper, and shouldn't happen, but, based off of logic solely, the validity of this question finds, that all improper, unfitting behaviors of sexual intercourse, all constitutes as extramarital affairs.  And so, Wang not only tried to explain his own way out of using the "improper", "unfitting" to describe his own bad behaviors, he's also, seemingly into misleading the logics behind what constitutes as extramarital affair, and NEVER spoken of the word, "affair" in relating.

There's no first-come-first serve in love, only the "other man" or "other woman" who was ill-fitted, but, there is, a first come first serve in marriage, before the first one leaves, and the one who came later, barged in without consents, it is, extramarital affair.  And, at present day, extramarital affairs aren't just a matter of morality, it's also, legally.  Although Taiwan had decriminalized adultery based off of the grand justices' interpretations, but there are still the civil fronts of the matter, and this can be an important basis for the divorce cases.

The divorce rates are on the rise here in Taiwan, the sanctity of a marriage, outdated and no longer existed.  But even so, the behaviors in a marriage still carried the moral and ethical bindings of the law.  Connections and sexual intercourses, isn't the vaccine for a marriage, only through rationalism, and responsibilities, can you see clearly, the relations in a marriage, and, what's fitting logically is one's own interpretations of how one's own marriage is fitted or ill-fitted.

Love will change, and a once-fitted marriage will be, ill-fitted, the modern day society is not on the staying true to one spouse until the end, but on how when someone changes, s/he needed to explain her/himself thoroughly, completely, and there should NOT be any lying, or unfaithful behaviors to one's own, spouse.  Especially for these public figures, as these "improper, unfitted" extramarital affairs happen, they should admit that they had an affair, then, it'll be private matters how they selected to handle the matter afterwards, that way, it'd, eliminate a lot of the argumentative things, that might affect one's own, professionalism at work.

And so this is still on how the professional, mixing with the personal, will always and forever, yield that bad results, it's still, easier said than done, because, everything professional can and will GET mixed with the personal, when that sense of connection, that feeling of, "mutual attraction" occurs, and, you still can't help who you get turned on by, it's, that physiological response we got NO control over.

And no, I'm still not saying, that these extramarital affairs are right, it's immoral, but people are still, doing it, because they can't control their hormones (for women!), or DICKS (for men!)………

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