Today I completed my vaccination and I am not feeling any fever or anything. The day also went well. I created some of my "Best Lines" blog which will be coming very soon. I also watched a podcast today. Overall not very productive but fairly okay for weekend.

I am just thinking what are the things that I can do to be more productive and will also help me to find new purpose in life and I am really thinking about writing. I don't know how much this thought is going to last but I definitely know that if not now then some day I am definitely going to write a book.

I am also looking into starting some sort of E-commerce business as another side hustle. I am not sure what I should be selling or which sector I should target. There is actually tons of information and I am not able to figure it out.

I am also looking for doing some social service kind of thing around theme of climate change. It just clicked in my mind when I was listening to "Bill Gates" speech on "Climate Change".

Nothing is fixed now. But I know that I will be doing something around these 3 only. Actually I don't know, may be 4 or 5 will also get added.

No learning today, just confuse about what else I can do.

Have a Great Day

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