Intended Audience: Any single parents working through MAYHEM

Neglected this blog temporarily only because this single parenting has me navigating through a new job, work from home, and classroom closures due to potential covid exposures. It has been pure mayhem for the past couple of weeks and this mama needed to focus on being IN THE MOMENT for the 2 little ones.

In the Midst of Mayhem (MoM), here are some of my Labor of Love (LoL) efforts for Halloween 2021...because this was totally a MoM LoL through all the delirium! PUN INTENDED.

Let me show you how I got Trunk or Treat done using less than $30 (WINNING!)

Trunk or Treat Theme: The Forgotten Pirates
I used whatever cardboard I had around the house to make a keg, lock and key, and jail bars.
The pirate flag was made from saved tissue paper!
Cost: $0.00

The props (bird, bones, and coins) were either kids toys reused or bought on sale.
Cost: ~$15.00

Forgotten Pirates Trunk or Treat

Squid Game Mask
Of course a popular theme for this year. I fully intended to buy a Squid Game mask, but none would arrive in time for Halloween. So mama of course had to resort to DIY again.

Fail #1
Painting a metal strainer (LOL!) as a potential mask. It was such a mess! The non-toxic paint wouldn't stick to the metal and the paint job was super splotchy!
Cost: ~$6.00

Fail #2
Paper Mache'd a mask using old homework assignments and a concoction of flour and water. This totally worked temporarily!

Where it failed was when big brother's face got sweaty. This totally melted the mask into a mush. BUT it lasted through a full day of Halloween events (I'm calling this a win!)
Cost: $0.00

Oh..and the outfit? That was my old set. Can't believe he's almost my size!!
Cost: $0.00

The DIY Paper Mache Mask still intact. Twinning with a Squid Game fidget!

Witch Costume

And last but not least, the cutest little witch. We re-used a black dress from a previous photo shoot (recognize from this blog: )?

I was beyond drained at this point so we bought a witch hat and broom.
Cost: ~$3.00

HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2021. I'm planning a quick nap so I can feel human again...SNOOZE!

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