So I did some shopping at the grocery store and at Target today, and they already have their Christmas merchandise out front and center. It kinda bugged me because I wasn't ready to do any Christmas shopping so it felt like it was in my way and cluttering up my paths.

And when I was escorting my daughter during trick-or-treating last Sunday, I also noticed that a handful of our neighbors already had their Christmas trees up. I did take notice of it because I don't believe I'd ever seen that before during Halloween.

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So I started to wonder... isn't it too early for Christmas? I mean, my normal schedule is to decorate and start shopping for Christmas right after Thanksgiving. Because honestly, I can only handle one holiday at a time so I personally need to mentally "finish" Thanksgiving before I can start preparing for the next.

But that's just me. Obviously others can handle the multi-tasking much better than I can. 🙂

And I'll tell you all a little secret. While all the family is over celebrating Thanksgiving... I ask them to "help" get out all the Christmas decorations in the attic (which is a legitimate ask for help since that would be too difficult for me to do alone). And while they are at it... I ask them to put everything out too. With several people doing it, it only takes 30min max. And saves me all of that time and effort doing it myself!

So what do you all think? When do you start preparing for Christmas?