Gov. Ron DeSantis delighted supporters when he signed legislation countering COVID-19 vaccine mandates in Brandon Thursday. As is usual, his campaign looked to cash in on the spectacle hours later.

In an email to supporters entitled "Fighting Brandon's Mandates ... from Brandon, FL," the Governor got still more mileage off the enduring "Let's Go Brandon" chant as he pushed Joe Biden critiques forward.

"I called the Florida Legislature into Special Session to protect people's jobs and personal freedoms. And today, I signed four pieces of legislation from the Keep Florida Free agenda to PROTECT FREEDOM in Florida," the Governor asserted.

The bills protect Floridians from what DeSantis calls "the whims of power-hungry politicians and incompetent government bureaucrats with a God complex."

DeSantis frames the legislation as a "victory" for parents, students, workers, and other Floridians, but is careful to establish a national framing as well.

"Had Florida not stepped in to defend freedom from government overreach, lockdowns, mandates, and business closures, we'd be living in a Faucian dystopia today," DeSantis contended. "I stepped in Biden and Fauci's way because defending your freedom is the right thing to do. I've been proud to stand next to parents, workers, and students as I fight for freedom."

"Leadership means doing all you can to stand by people. That is what we did today in Florida," DeSantis closed.

The Governor first incorporated the Biden/Brandon interplay into his repertoire weeks ago, with a quasi-accidental reference to the "Brandon Administration" that popped the crowd. It's been a reliable trope since.

"This chant has taken on a life of its own," DeSantis said, "because it exposes the dishonesty of these corporate reporters."

The DeSantis Administration seemed to relish the framing opportunity.

"The significance of signing this legislation in Brandon, Florida, is not lost on the Governor," DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw told Fox News earlier in the day.

"I think that Brandon, Florida is a great American city. I think the people here are fantastic," DeSantis said when asked about it Thursday, with "Let's Go Brandon" chants erupting around the room.

The Thursday email, though it seemed to have one eye on a national audience, was more Florida-centered than the missive the day before. That email was entitled "Kenosha, Rittenhouse, and Media Lies."

In that essay, DeSantis offered an extended meditation on Kyle Rittenhouse, currently charged in the deaths of two men and shooting of a third during a protest against police brutality in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

"He saw Kenosha on fire as a result of media-fueled rioting and did what we should want citizens to do in such a situation: step forward to defend the community against mob violence. In spite of the facts, corporate media, Big Tech, and the Democratic Party baselessly smeared Kyle as a 'white supremacist' and 'domestic terrorist' and then practically convicted him of murder in the court of public opinion," DeSantis wrote.