Like that research proposal I'd written up for my methods lab???  How the number of hours of violence in the media viewed by the children can, be correlated to their acting up more violently, and now, this is a "proof" of that correlational study I'd, proposed for my methods class, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

To Celebrate Halloween in the Elementary School Years, the Game of "Bloody Bobeep" is Played, "I Blew Your Head Off" Became an Everyday Dialogue Among the Students

The Korean soap, "The Squid Games" became a huge hit in Taiwan, and it'd become, the choice of costumes for young children for Halloween too here; on the eve of Halloween in an elementary school, the school officials dressed themselves up in pink as the killers, with the prop guns, shooting the victims, with school-age children watching them; there were also school instructors who'd noted seeing the elementary school-age children playing the game of "blood bo-beep" during the breaktime at school, using the paper gun they have in their hands, to "blow up" the losers, and, all of these became worrisome to the parents, that violence had, made its way into the school campus, and they'd begun worrying that this might lead to modeling behaviors, and even, violence on the school campuses too.

Uses of Child-Appropriate Materials as a "Cover" for the Games of Murder

"The Squid Games" used the children's topics to wrap up the games of murder, because of how innovative this idea is, it'd, become trending across the globe, but it's brought about the effects of modeling behaviors too, there were a lot of cases of teens who'd modeled after the violent storyline and injured others already internationally; some of the U.S. and European schools worried that the students will model after the violent behaviors in the shows, and passed the prohibitions of the attires now.  And now, the "Squid Games" had found its way into the elementary schools here too, "You're already dead", "I'd blown you up already!", etc., etc., etc., became the regular words of exchange that elementary school age children shared.

in the elementary school here, right 'round, from online

Children Started Worrying that "Someone I Know Might Get Murdered"

An instructor testified, that there were, a few handful of children who'd watched the programming at home with their own parents, and, took what they saw on T.V. into the games they play in-between the classes, by words of children's mouths, they'd even started, humming the Chucky theme song, if there were students who'd moved when they weren't supposed to, then, the other students would pick up the paper guns, and start shooting them down, it'd made her have a ton of headaches over this; there were also careless elementary school instructors who'd played the footages of the show in class, until students went home and told their parents, "I'm so afraid that someone I know will die", the parents filed a complaint to the school, that was when the school realized, that "something wasn't, quite right".

模仿玩「魷魚遊戲」 比利時小學生暴力懲罰同伴|秦綾謙|FOCUS全球新聞 20211011 - YouTube

on how elementary school children in Belgium punished their own peers, from the news here off of YouTube

While a certain elementary up north on the eve of Halloween, played that game of "bloody bopeep" on the school campus.  The principal was interviewed, and told, that the activities were sponsored by the PTA, hoping to share the times with their own young, and that he'd dressed up as Captain America too, and played the role of the "protector" of the students as well; he'd stated clearly, that at the moment, "I didn't think this through quite enough", that he will work hard, to prevent this sort of similar situation from recurring.

The Parents Called Out to the Enforcement of Bringing about Awareness of the Ratings of the Programming

There were the first grade children's parents who'd told, that they'd not allowed their young to watch "The Squid Games", but the painting that the young children made was the scenes from the "Bloody Bopeep" and "Jumping Off a Glass Bridge", and told him that the losers of the game played in school will get "bang-bang, and then, die!", then, after the victims died, thy will have crosses painted on them, the parent worried that the young will take violence as a norm of life.  He'd believed, that it would be next to impossible to ban the kids from using the internet, that the government should set up the barricades, to set up the ratings accordingly, and to enforce the education on the matter too.

The Department of Education Hoped to Increase the Virtues, the Morale of the Media

Last year, the "Blue Whale Games" with the hidden themes of self-mutilation and exploitation by sexual means, infiltrated into the Taiwanese school campuses, the Department of Education had sent out three separate warnings to get the local government, to let the school note to be careful; and now, the scripts from "The Squid Games" infiltrated into the elementary school campuses, the Department of Education also calls out to the various levels of schools should pay strict attention to the games that are ill-fitted for the developments of young children to play, the animated feature films, the movies, the soaps that are, flowing around school, and enforce the morality of the media, to help the students differentiate between what's appropriate, and what's, not.

The C.E.O. from the Parents' Group League, Peng stated, that the students in the elementary and the middle school years couldn't differentiate what's real and what's fake, that it would take children at least into their high school years to be able to understand what the society is about, and if the parents lead by modeling the goings on in the T.V. programs, then the parents need to reevaluate their own behaviors too; sh4e'd believed, that anything done in school, including play, needed to be in accordance to the morale of education.

And so, this, is the effects of violence in media, on your school age children (still not mine, 'cuz???  Oh yeah, don't gone me one!), and, because violence is, everywhere we look, on T.V., on the WWW, on those, billboards you come across from your ways to work, on your drive home from work, etc., etc., etc., it's impossible, to keep your kids from getting, exposed, and, this situation is just, really bad, because, the parents are still, too god damn, way too, mother @#$%ING (all out of "cuss words" here!) clueless, and, your children are losing their virginities (psychological kind here!), everyday, when they played these violent games at school, under ADULT supervision, because, those teachers aren't babysitters, they educate your young, and so please, do NOT make their lives, harder, as children are getting a hell of a lot more difficult, to educate by the generations, because they're all, smarter, smarter, smarter, as you @$#$ING adults are, getting DUMBER still!

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