The man's mental illness left untreated, that's, caused his own mother to be, MURDERED by him!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

There was the tragic news of a mother being murdered by her son in Taoyuan yesterday, the man, Tseng, was suspected of murdering his own mother, Chen, with a butcher's knife, with whom he lives with.  The police, fire department broke down the door, found Chen lying in a pool of blood, already dead, Tseng was covered in blood, and was found, hiding on the balcony, in a daze.  The police found the records of Tseng having been treated for a mental condition, but not registered as a mentally ill person, as they took him to the hospital under police custody, they'd charged him with murder, after the D.A. reviewed the facts, asked the courts to keep him in custody, the courts signed off on it.

The police found, that the thirty-one-year-old Tseng lives on the fourth floor of an apartment with his mother in Pingzhen District, Chen took care of Tseng by herself.  At around six in the morning, the neighbor, Liao heard Chen called for help and immediately called the police, and Tseng started crying shortly thereafter, "help, save my mother!"; as the police and firefighters arrived the door was locked from the inside, they broke it down, entered into the living room, where they saw a huge pool of blood, with Tseng's mother lying in it, no sign of life, and there was a butcher's knife next to her body, that was suspected of being used as a murder weapon.

The police found the injuries are around the head, and the neck on the victim's body, they'd suspected, that the victim was hit by the butcher's knife on the head, then, hacked to death.  They'd followed the blood trails, and found Tseng hidden out on the balcony without the railings, he'd sat, stood, and attempted to leap off.  The police immediately arrested him, found him to have lacerations on his head, took him to the hospital under custody, where he'd received twenty plus stitches, he's not in life-threatening danger.

Based off of understanding, Tseng is diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, suffers severely from auditory hallucinations, delusions, also severe depression, early yesterday morning, he'd heard a voice telling him to kill his mother and himself, wanted him to "murder her", and saw a shadow that attached to his mother, which caused him to attack his own mother and himself; Tseng's father already died, he and his mother were all each other had, and, the relatives knew that he'd had multiple records of hospitalizations, but he'd not taken his medications like he was supposed to.

And so, this, is what you get, when you have schizophrenia, left, untreated, you will have the hallucinations, the delusions, and this man probably won't get charged with murdering his own mother and get punished for the crime, because of his mental disorder.

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