So. I recently had some time off. And, since we didn't have any major plans, I decided to finally attack a painting I'd been planning on doing for Alec. It took about a week and a half to complete, working anywhere from a half hour to four hours a day.

You might remember I painted a blue monkey and a purple sloth for our living room and I painted an orange armadillo for our older son, Cos. You can read about that here.

In Alec's case, I chose to paint a gorilla. It's his favorite animal. And I kept it a surprise.

I finished the painting the day before he came up to house sit and feed the cats for us while we went out of town. I left the painting for him to find, and I texted him saying I'd "left something for [him] on the easel."

Here's what he found:

Alec's Gorilla 24"x30" acrylic on canvas

I'm very pleased with how it came out, and, if it weren't going to Alec, I'd be loathe to let it go. I'd swap it out for the sloth in a heartbeat. But, he really loves it and that's gratifying.

The best part is he'd forgotten about the text I'd sent. I got a text from him later that night saying, "Your gorilla painting is awesome!!" followed by, "WAIT I FORGOT YOU SAID YOU LEFT SOMETHING FOR ME"



The easel now sits with two small, blank canvas boards on it and I'm pondering what to paint next. Maybe I'll do a self portrait. I haven't ever painted silver-haired me.

Yeah, maybe I'll do that.

Or not.

I'll just let it go where it goes.