Yeah, uh, guess how many MORE are gonna DIE, before the law's been, set into motion again?  This should've been effective IMMEDIATELY, but, unfortunately, I do NOT control this shit, so…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The news of the legislator, Kao being physically abused by her boyfriend shocked the nation.  The president, Tsai yesterday, signed the "Stalking harassment prevention law", and announced that the law will be fully enforced six months from now.  She said, with this newly written law, in the future, the police can intervene earlier, when the acts of illegally stalking someone, harassing someone occurred, to prevent the injuries or the deaths.

As Tsai signed, the head of legislature, Su, the head of internal affairs, Hsu, the recruit of the DDP, Ke, the legislators from the party, Kwan, Fan all were there at the press conference, to bear witness; as the president signed, she'd, handed the pen that she'd signed with to Hsu as a gift.

Tsai said, the stalking act is the vital step to prevent the violence against the genders, that in the evaluation of the entire global community, this made us ahead of the rest in gender equality, but now, there are still, a lot of women who are, faced with the violence, and the threats of domestic violence regularly.

Tsai told, that two days ago, was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the "Wan-Ru Peng incident", back then, the female manager of the Women's Department of the DDP, in order to get the women to be more involved with the "Quarter Act", she'd gone to promote the cause in Kaohsiung and was murdered, and it'd called up the awareness of the public to pay more attention to women's safety in society, and there were the laws that set up in relation to this matter, "but on this path, there are always, more to be done, I shall keep working hard, to make the country's people live on with more ease."

Hsu told, that he'd directed the Department of Police Affairs to speed up the police education training programs, and, are putting in more forces on the police units right now.

Wow, sounds o grand, doesn't it?  But, it's all just, boasting, I mean, who's to say, that after this god damn law gets passed, that it would work, really, in preventing violence against women, and, note this, men can also be victims of abuse too, so, what about them???  Yeah, this is still, just, idealistic, but nowhere NEAR realistic, just like all of the proposed acts, the currently government has right now.

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