The signs of trapped in an abusive relationship that she ignored at first!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

She Was Threatened to Have a Funeral for Her by Her Own Boyfriend, Otherwise, He'll Use the Net Armies Against Her, Grateful for Her Ex Who'd Stepped Up to Fend for Her

The legislator, Kao told, that after just two, three months she'd started dating Lin, she'd found, that he would lose his temper too easily, that he'd threatened her, forced her to get down on her knees, and would secretly film her, tape-recorded her too, threatened that she'd better stay the whole time through his own mother's funeral, or he'll get the net armies after her, to spread the rumors, that when he was upset, he'd barred her from her itinerary, stopped her from going out, and questioned her; she'd told, that Lin claimed that he was medicated with antipsychotic, that the law can't do anything about him.

Kao told, that as she went up for a seat in the legislation, Lin came to her, offered her advice, and after they were in close conversation for over six months, they started dating.  Lin told, that he knew a lot of professionals in the political, academia, and business fields, but, she'd rarely come into contact with the businesses, didn't check the facts.  Lin claimed that he knew a lot of the newer political realms, and there were photos of him with the famed from his FB, with the messages left by the members of the academia, arts and performance realms, he seemed to be well connected, and, a lot of women may have been fooled by him using this, "he'd hurt too many, lied too many times, his world is, constructed with the lies".

After that first time Lin beat her, he told, "This was the first time I'd ever, beaten a woman", that he'd not known why he'd behaved  like so, that he'd just lost his mother, and had been on medication from the psychiatric department, didn't know what took over him, apologized repeatedly, "Thankfully the heavens helped me out there, otherwise, I don't know how much of this life will I be, putting up, with."

"My ex, Ma was taken too, he'd helped me by stepping up to protect me," Kao told, that after her ex learned of how she got beaten up, he couldn't accept it, and, demanded that he deleted the photos, the sex tapes immediately, Lin told that he was only, leading the trends, and, gone to her mother's funeral to make a scene.  She said, that as a councilwoman, legislator, Ma was her constant advisor, that he was really nice to her, but as she'd broken up with him, and found her a new boyfriend like Lin, "Or maybe, I was, too covered up in my relationship with Ma, that I'd not known, the sorts of evils that are, in this, world."

On the press conference, Kao cried and described the process of her being abused, the DDP legislator, Wang came to give her a hug and encouragements, a lot of abused women, for the sakes of their young, their families, just, held it all in, that there's a need for the battered to voice out loud, to put an end to this sort of a bad behavior; the DDP legislator He handed her a bouquet of pink roses, told that when he saw the footages of Kao's being abused, he'd started, tearing up, that he needed to be there, to offer her some encouragements.  The legislator, Wang from Times Power called out to Kao, "You didn't do anything wrong, don't blame yourself!", and called out to the public, to not be overly critical of the victims of abuse.

The legislator of the Popular Party, Tsai told, that last week, Kao bear hugged her, then, without a word, just, walked, away, "Thinking to it, she's, really strong, and it'd, ached my heart seeing her like that.", called out to every victim who is living under the shadows of domestic violence, "For those who love you, treat yourselves well, to NOT fear, to STEP up, to say NO to the abusers!"

And so, this, is how much support this abused legislator is getting, and the signs were already there, as they first begun dating, and, these are, the tell signs that this woman, chose to ignore, which was exactly how she'd, ended up where she currently is right now, and, it's NEVER right, to use violence on anyone, man, or woman, and this should NOT be, encouraged, and this woman finally, stepped out, and told her stories, in hopes, to prevent the future cases of domestic violence.

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