And now! I present to you an awesome, amazing, astonishing feat of mystical mentalism!

Are you ready?

Trick question! You are not ready!

But here we go.

I want you to think of a number, but don't tell me! Think of a number between 16 and…18.

Any whole number between 16 and 18. Think of it. Hold it in your mind. Have you got it?


Now focus. Concentrate. Focus on that number. Picture it in your mind's picture frame of the mind. But don't tell me!

Now. Prepare to be amazed.

I'm getting something….. yes. I'm seeing something. Is it - can it be?

Is this your number?


Am I right? Huh? Did I get it?

No? Are you sure? Because -

What number were you thinking of?

17.? Really? 17?




Hey! What's that behind you!



