Well, this year's Christmas Eve day has been lovely. I know this because I happened to find my journal from last year. I sat there on the floor reading. Then I stopped. No, I will not.

I made three kinds of Christmas cookies today.

And took a long walk in the balmy winter weather. Yes, it was a lovely, partly sunny day. We lost some snow, but more will fall soon. We walked almost three miles. These trees along the way make me happy. They're old and stately. Impressive.

The extra train tracks I ordered came yesterday. That should make Rennie happy since he's been so frustrated with the lack thereof. Now he can make his figure eight shape and run two trains on one track. I'm smiling because this evening Elv and I created a tunnel for the track from cardboard. You never know what you'll be creating for your grandkids. Yeah, this year is better.

I cleaned the interior of the car today. With Elv's latest handy tool, a cordless Milwaukee vacuum sweeper. Now the car is clean and smells nice, too.

I listened to two of my favorite  songs first thing this morning. Mary's Boy Child and When A Child Is Born. This evening I played them by ear on the piano.

In case you think my day sounds selfish, I'll have you to know that yes, it was. But in a good way. Everything about what I do is still all about Elv and our grown kids and their little ones. Lately, I've just leaned into that, because I can. No more trying to get a life of my own and not being so dependant on our kids and Elv. Whose idea was that anyhow? They actually want me and I need them so it's a win for us all.

Tomorrow, as long as Delta can get enough of a crew to man the plane fight, they're bringing Brad to Duluth for us. We're planning to have him with us for the first time in many months, for about nine days.

Merry Christmas, everyone.