Who gets the blame here, oh yeah, not the perps!  Off of the Newspapers, translated…

A couple in Taipei, in order to receive their vaccinations, lied about how they'd misplaced and lost their yellow vaccine registry card, torn off the sticker of proof of vaccination on their national health insurance cards, signed a written statement, swearing they'd never had their vaccinations yet, to "bug" the medical staff to administer the vaccines on them, and they'd used an assortment of measures, received a total of FOUR injections; but, as the government learned of this, it'd only called out to the public, to NOT abuse the systems, and the Taipei Department of Sanitations stated "there's no law set to punish this behaviors".  The entry level medical workers are already stressed, are now, also, responsible, for the health problems, the medical neglect suit that came out of this?

The purpose of setting up a working system is to ensure the policies gets implemented, and the fairness, the local hospitals, treatment clinics in the city of Taipei, so long as you insert in your national health insurances card, you can log into the central national health insurance system, check for the records of the patients' vaccination records, the different is, that the major hospitals are, connected to the CDC's interface (API), that they can check in a faster manner; but the independent clinics didn't have this setting, has a slower time to process the checks, which leads to the delayed uploading information, which became the holes that these individuals trying to cheat the systems can squeeze through.

Although the hospitals, the clinics were mandated to upload the vaccination records on the dates of the vaccinations, but the speed to which the upload is different, and, it would be impossible, to try and prevent these individuals from cheating the systems , and yet, Central government couldn't, face the shortcomings of the systems, the incomplete policies of vaccination, and, tossed the responsibilities of this to the local hospitals and clinics independently by saying, "check the national health insurance card to see if the members of the public had their vaccinations", and not mentioned a single word of how these who cheated the systems is to be, dealt with.

No way to punish, the central, the local governments, all took a passive attitude on the matter, and the pressures are on the entry level workers at the hospta8ils.  If the systems, with all its holes not patched up, would the clinics, hospitals, be willing, to, get sued for, negligence, get fined, so there would be, more and more, "fourth dose warriors" in the society here?

There had been past instances of mistakenly injecting the wrong brands of vaccinations, and the HSR workers, falsifying identification, to sneak in a second dose, the demented getting the mix brands, which showed, how the system isn't, working, properly here, the Central Government should be discussing how to avoid this from happening again, and to punish individuals like these, who'd, cheated the systems, in getting the mix brand, and extra doses in.

And so this is a top-down problem, because the system isn't set up correctly, which is precisely, W-H-Y, these problems are, happening, because the government is still, delayed in catching up, and it's still, lagging behind, and that's why, the people felt the need, to squeeze through these, holes here.  And yet, the government still, doesn't MAN up, and take responsibilities for it.

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