#52EssaysNextWave 20/52 #52SlicesOfChingonaLife

It's been months since I've written a blog post. Months where it's been difficult to take a minute for myself as I have spent my time taking care of others. I never imagined that this was how my life would have turned out but here we are.

Bottom line, it's where I need to be right now. It was too much for me to think that this family member would be put at the mercy of the elderly health care system. I have learned so much during these past six months, some days super overwhelming, some days scary, some days praying for guidance and how to proceed on some things.

One of the most important things that I learned is that people do not want to be forgotten, that, even for a few minutes, a visit means more than a million dollars. Just like today, I did nothing but take a drive to deliver Ensure, Gatorade, and to visit for a few minutes. It was all very calm, very much part of my routine now, took me less than an hour. 6 months ago, I was overwhelmed by guilt, 'why didn't I stay longer?' 'why didn't I do this? or that?'...now I try to do what I can do, and to be good with that. My visits also serve as a reminder to the the caregivers at the home, that this person is not alone, that I am watching their work too, that these peaceful days and nights have been hard-won by all of us, the village, working together.

God, Jesus and VirgenOfG, watch over all families who live life this way, organizing their village to care for their loved ones, let us all embrace what each other has to offer, let them help us work it, so that our loved ones can have a calm and peaceful quality of life.

Sometimes we have to live life for awhile, in order to be able to write about life. I miss writing. Looking forward to getting back to it soon.

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