The next day Alexis had a doctor's appointment. She wasn't that far along so this was the first major appointment of her pregnancy. Alexis dressed warmly, but despite her efforts the cold air still seemed to slip through her heavy jacket. Freezing, she hurried into her car and made her way to the office.

Doctor Lucas was an older man with gentle eyes that crinkled when he smiled. He had been in the practice for over 40 years and was deemed a miracle worker by many. This reputation, however, did not mean he was cheap. On the contrary, doctor Lucas was simply a miracle worker for those who could afford one.

Alexis went through the usual check in process. As she went to wipe she noticed a slight pink color on the tissue. Alexis tried not to worry. She read online that sometimes there would be spotting during pregnancy.

Alexis returned to her chair in the waiting room. She silently prayed that it was nothing more than spotting. Alexis had been careful. She did everything she was supposed to do. When the doctor called her name and she stood up, she felt it. The uncomfortable rush you get after standing when you're on your period. Alexis ran into the bathroom. She pulled down her pants and burst into tears.

An hour later doctor Lucas confirmed what Alexis already knew. Alexis's sobs muffled out his voice as she stared at a baby growth chart on the wall. Her baby would never the size of a cantaloupe or watermelon. She would never get the chance to hold her child.

Alexis didn't know how long she sat there crying and staring at that poster. It wasn't until Brian showed up and guided her into the car that she finally ran out of tears.

There was silence in the car as they drove home. Alexis was sure doctor Lucas told Brian about the baby but she did not understand why he was so calm.

Brian reached a hand over and touched her leg. "It's okay love. We can always try again."

Alexis didn't want to try again. Trying again meant there was another chance this could happen again. It hurt too much to think about that.

"Abram," Alexis said after a moment.


"Abram. That's what I would have named him." Alexis swiped at her face.

"How do you know it was a boy?"

"I just know."

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