Many of you know me from my popular LinkedIn Learning courses. I've loved flying to Santa Barbara, renting a car, and driving to Carpinteria to film my LinkedIn courses. Whenever I'm in Carpinteria, I go to the Seal Sanctuary, lounge at the beach, eat at the beach, read at the beach, pray at the beach - all things beach!

Carpinteria Beach

But the pandemic has moved LinkedIn Learning filming to remote work. That's no small task! I'm amazed by my LinkedIn Learning team! Working remotely with my producer, director, teleprompter operator, sound tech, and lighting expert, we set up a full studio and recorded two courses!

It took a whole lot of work to film two courses this week! First, my husband and I had to clear out my entire studio - the one we built during the pandemic for my engaging, fun, live digital workshops. Then, my son and husband carried all the LinkedIn equipment boxes upstairs.

On day one of our production, we set up the studio. That took an exhausting six hours. We had to put together lights, position - and reposition lights. Then there was the tripod, the teleprompter, and getting into the loaner laptop and iPad. I'm techy, but I was not fond of the setup day.

Day two was filming, and it started off challenging. We had technical glitches and lost a lot of time troubleshooting. Ultimately, I recorded an entire course by 4 pm. The initial video footage is as stunning as working on a stage LinkedIn Learning's California studios!

Footage from day 1 looks amazing!

I was exhausted from the day, and because I hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch, I had a massive headache and a bad mood that evening.

I was brighter on day three. I ate a healthy breakfast, even though I didn't feel hunger. I replied to all client emails before going into my studio, which made me feel accomplished going into filming.

We had no technical issues, and we wrapped filming of the second course before 2:00 pm!

As great as day one was, footage from day 2 was even better! I found my groove!

Now, on day four, I have the big job of packing up the LinkedIn studio and having everything ready to go before 9:00 am tomorrow when the courier arrives. Next, we have to set up my original studio because I will facilitate four live digital workshops for clients next week.

I can't wait for you to see the finished courses!

If you have a LinkedIn Learning subscription, you can take any of my LinkedIn courses at no additional charge. If you don't yet have a subscription, learn more here!