The episode opens with Sesshomaru and Jaken with Rin, and they see that the silver scales are spreading. Rin asks Sesshomaru to see her girls one last time, and tells him that Towa is crying.

We then see Towa with Zero and Nanohoshi as they try to extract Towa's sadness and despair with the bug they attached on her in the previous episode. She keeps resisting until her demon powers return at the end of the episode, where she starts letting loose her rage and anger at both Zero and Nanohoshi.

Setsuna's storyline provides some light-hearted moments. Setsuna herself is actually asleep for most of this portion of the story, so Hisui and Kohaku have to rely on the written notes that Setsuna gave to them in the previous episode. It was amusing to see them reading the notes and doing what they're instructed. To take on the big demon that is out for revenge, she has them set up a couple of traps to activate. What she has them set up to cause the large demon to go flying not just one, but twice, were great. When Setsuna wakes up the next morning, the inn is rather damaged, and she managed to sleep through everything that happened which caused the inn to end up in that shape.

The bulk of the story, though, focused on Moroha working with Hachi and Takechiyo against Shogen Mamiana. I enjoyed seeing the real Shogen Mamiana (who was drunk) going past the guards, and then Hachi (disguised as Shogen Mamiana) appear shortly after with Moroha as his prisoner. They managed to convince the guards that the drunk Shogen Mamiana was Hachi in disguise, which causes chaos in the castle and allows Hachi and Moroha to get inside. When Moroha goes to retrieve her bow and arrows, she encounters Takechiyo's brother, and learns that he has no animosity toward his older brother. Takamaru arrives at that moment with a response from Miroku, but before Moroha can read the letter, the real Shogen Mamiana appears. Moroha flees with Takechiyo's brother, and uses Takamaru and her glider to trick Shogen Mamiana. We then see Moroha purify the raccoon dog demon. While this is going on, Hachi and Takechiyo expose Shogen Mamiana's deception. In the end, though, Moroha and Takechiyo work together to defeat Shogen Mamiana with help from Miroku's letter.

But it was kind of surprising in the end, when Takechiyo declares he doesn't want to be the head of the clan because he has more fun bounty hunting. Moroha also refuses to take the reward that Takechiyo offered, because she wants to continue hunting for bounties as well. I have to say that in this storyline, Moroha was awesome. We finally got the characterization for her that really should have been done much earlier in the series. I really hated how the writers relied on her so much for comic relief in the first part of the series. Hopefully this new depiction for Moroha will continue throughout the remainder of the series. But I was glad to finally see one of the three concurrent storylines come to an end.

The preview for the next episode sees that Towa is going to be the focus of it, and that it will include flashbacks of when Towa was younger interspersed with what's going on in the current time. There was also a shot of Setsuna with Rin, but I wasn't able to get much in the way of context for this from the preview. I don't recall seeing Moroha in the preview at all, so I'm expecting that the next episode will be focusing primarily on Towa, with some screen time being devoted to Setsuna. I'm actually looking forward to seeing Towa's flashbacks next week, because from what I saw, it seems it will cover a bit of the time between when she first arrived in the modern era and when we first meet her in the modern era in the series. I really hope next week's episode will be done well and doesn't turn into a disappointment.

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