How to play The Game of Life | Official Rules | UltraBoardGames

Rose-Colored Glasses Forever. Believe that what you are trying to do can be done. Every entrepreneur needs that level of conviction.

Figure Out What Motivates You. After my unexpected divorce, I had a "say no to nothing" mantra, and that helped my business succeed.

Check Your Fear. I was afraid of nothing when I started Dress It Up. The worst thing—an unexpected divorce—had already happened to me. I had a "say no to nothing" mantra, and that helped my business succeed.

Nail Your Nonnegotiables. Here are mine: ingredients (no canola oil and no xanthan gum), family first (it's only salad dressing!), and financial responsibility (I'd secure a loan against my house, but I won't touch my IRA).

Find Investors Who Respect Your Vision. Many investors today want to see a five-year exit plan with a 20-times return. In other words, they want you to grow and make money fast. There's a lot of pressure! I see growth differently. I couldn't afford for my company to get too big too fast and flame out. That's a fun story for an 18-year-old in a college dorm, not for a 40-something mother trying to make ends meet. Slow and steady made the most sense for me.

Apply for More Than Money. Last year, Dress It Up was fortunate enough to be a Stacy's Rise Project winner. In addition to a $10K award, we got access to a cohort of fellow crazy-optimist female founders and top-level brand advisers who provide tactical advice about sustainable growth.