I listen to music pretty much all day. Certain songs really uplift my mood and help me to recharge. When I paint I usually have music going as well. This made me wonder about whether or not other people have a soundtrack for their art workspace. I can't say that I have a set list of songs though. Lately, Stevie Wonder, The Jackson 5, and "Off the Wall," have been on repeat. The energy of that music is amazing!

The creative process is so different for everyone it's nice to find out how other people work. I try to remember that I'm in my own lane and it's ok to admire the work process of others; just don't get caught up in a game of comparison.

Since I work full-time, the evening is best time for me to paint. There are a some days I'm really tired, and I don't get anything done. I feel bad about that even though I guess I probably shouldn't.

I went to Michael's (love this store) recently and I didn't spend any unnecessary money. My list only contained 3 things and that's what I bought: nothing extra.

Below is a progress shot of what I hope to finish this evening.

Cicely Christine Art