Possibly it's me imagining it, but at the moment Twitter has lurched into "Explanatory" mode in relation to the maddening madness of otherwise intelligent Covid crowds. Perhaps tweeters are turning to this in desperation as a kind of comfort activity to replace the need to actually do something - I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm all explained out on the virus > vaccine > booster psychiatric mass hysteria theory. The élites behind the Op no longer give a damn whether we of the 1in8 grasp what they're up to: their default modes/stages now are (a) vilify the unvaxxed as unfit to take part in civilised society and (b) force them to get a jab by all necessary means - comme il faut - "whatever it takes". Playing pass the parcel amongst ourselves about the tribal psychology involved isn't going to get us anywhere.

I'm not in France right now because I want to be, I'm here because I have to be. Relocation plans exploded in my face, and I needed to remake a different life from an established base. This is actually a parallel to what is happening in relation to the numbers vaxed and boosted now being proudly shown off by grubby dictators across the globe. Not only are the numbers obviously conflated, many people have taken the jab (literally) on board not because they wanted to, but because they were first of all frightened, and then because they were blackmailed. As I posted last night, 'These are not vaxed out of free choice: but rather, because their instincts have been raped by threats of an unbearably diluted life without healthcare, citizenship, holidays, visits to beloved family members, restaurant or employment.'

It seems to me that - especially among the most economically vulnerable - there are already a lot of angry people who've caught on to the scam, know where it's going....and have had enough. This is true of large tracts of the US, and also of the non-trusting citizens here in France.

In that context, based on his comments of yesterday, you might suspect that Macron just committed political hari-kiri with his affected open detestation of the unjabbed, lacing that with spectacular seams of kamikaze promises about micturating on them as unworthy to be French citizens. I have a contrary view about this; actually, I have two. (One may be too many, but two is never enough)

First of all, in 2O22 the Boy King really does have a game on his hands: because this time, the winner of Round 1 in the Presidential election in April is highly unlikely to be a protest pariah. Whereas in 2017, French Rightists abstained in Round 2 (regarding LePen as unacceptable) this time - be the qualifier Eric Zemmour or Valérie Pécresse - they are far more likely, beyond the Left, to transfer their LePen votes to either of those two.

The latest Harris Poll of two days ago suggested Macron would get 24% of votes in the first round of the election. Far-right politicians Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour and moderate conservative Pécresse were all tied on 16%. However, after asking respondents how they would transfer votes in Round 2 should their candidate not get through, Harris predicts that Macron would win in April's run-off vote, estimating a margin of 51-49% if he faces Pécresse, 55-45% against Le Pen, and 61-39% against Zemmour.

The predictably extraordinary feature of the campaign so far, however, is that the media here are treating Covid19 as a non-issue. "Don't mention the jabs," as Basil Fawlty might have said, "I did a couple of times, but the Sureté let me off with a verbal warning".

It would be odd if Pécresse stepped into the breach and pledged to change the vax strategy; her Party is the natural haven of the kind of Bobo Citadans who accept the State line on jabbing with not just obedience, but often a sort of salivating gung-ho approach. Indeed, last week the previous Republican Boy Wonder Sarkozy gave a bizarre performance during a TV interview in which - whenever the vax strategy was questioned - he banged the table with autistic zeal as if someone had interfered with his favourite box of matches. He out-Bidened Biden in his willingness to equate jabbedness with patriotism.

Zemmour - having seen a meteoric rise in the polls - is a media professional and respected philosopher who knows that his campaign is going into reverse. LePen also - already a politician seen as extremist - can little afford to take risks now that Pécresse has overtaken her as the main Round 2 challenger.

In fact, Macron is playing a cynical (but clever) card in going for the jugular of anti-Macronisme, because - when you analyse it - he can't lose. He can play the vrai dur (tough guy) about a selfish lunatic fringe that will delay the defeat of Covid19, and accuse the others of being weak and mealy-mouthed about the issue.

It still has an element of risk, but its genius lies in trapping Valérie between nothing and nowhere...and she's the only one - rightly - that the President fears. If she decides to slam Macron's Covid policies and offer (say) a more Swedish approach, a large part of her voter franchise would disappear; but if she says nothing about it, then he can taunt her ad nauseam.

That's what I think is going on here: but as I suggested earlier, there is also another possibility: that the higher paygrade within and without the Rothschild coven was behind the Republican selection of Valerie Pécresse in the first place, in the sense that she is a realist "who knows how to behave". Thus, the run-off now looking probable between Macron and her is unlikely to change anything related to The Great Reset.

Nothing would surprise me any more, and this lady is without doubt a fully paid-up member of the Enarc unelected in France. She would get a lot of Zemmour votes (being openly anti-Islamic) but LePen supporters will be disappoint that the Party turned down Eric Ciotti the more hardline leadership candidate.

Certainly, something or somebody stepped in to help her. After Ciotti won the first leadership round, his success "clearly reflects a strong sort of shift in political opinion in France and certainly amongst the rank and file members of the Républicans towards the right or the far right," said Douglas Webber, the eminent political scientist. Then there is the fact that the Republicans opted for a closed party congress instead of an open political primary.

After her victory, two senior Party shakers suggested in private that Pécresse would struggle to beat Macron in a second round runoff in April 2022.

But then, if the people who matter are backing both horses, who cares about that?

Well...they won't but we sure as Hell should.

We inhabit a beautiful world and there are many beautiful people among the 1in8. But showing how we're right and they're wrong based on 57 varieties of socio-medical and psychiatric theory isn't going to produce anything except onanistic moisture.

For me, among many others worthy of note for their bravery, the hero of this, one of our darkest hours, is Robert Kennedy Jr. He sums it up superbly: "Nobody ever got rid of dictatorship by complying with it".

This is my suggestion for the way ahead. They want to give us all a yellow star, fine - let's have one....but it'll be our star - our design, our colour - and open to everyone including the reluctantly vaxed who had little or no choice.

And let's brand it 1in8 or 1sur8 or 1von8: as a term, it is beginning to catch on...and numerals are universal.

Let's reach out to the regretters. And let's make a start right here in France by forcing the issue that dare not speak its name into the Presidential debate....let's take a leaf out of the Gilets Jaunes manual.

But above all, let's make something happen.

Let's show the BSDs that we can sabotage their plans.