The_Last_Revolution_Postcapitalist_ Futures_ver_x31FNL_31xa_1_31_22
A new version closing on a final draft for a Kindle book...
Below is a set of comments on Jacobinism and the liabilities of revolutionary action.
Everything has been up in the air, 'virtual revolution', and the result as free speech is secure. Actual revolutionary action will emerge perhaps from this perspective, as needed, relevant, possible or realizable.
The problem is fairly simple: the current realm of politicians is dysfunctional and without intervention the planet is probably doomed. The Exxon-Mobils have lost their right to make fossil fuels private property. The issue is the high level of capital and not the social totality.

Beyond Jacobinism
The issue of revolution is and will remain controversial, seemingly extra-legal, prone to criminal deviation, Jacobinism, civil war, and covert counnterrevolution. In addition the realm of covert agencies has essentiallya staged its down coup, internal and external. But extraordinary times demand radical interventions and it is increasingly apparent that the political realm is too dysfunctional to deal with what is likely to be the endgame of planetary civilization. The American legacy explicitly warns at the start of its own potential failure and enjoins the propect of future revolutionary return. Read more of this post