Is The 2020 Curse Broken? - Stoophang

To the Editor: Guess it would be: I'm working from home! I'm working from home! I'm working from home! No hurry-up breakfast force-feeding. No cold car. No lunch packing. Working in sweatpants. Less laundry. Happy pets. Screw the makeup. Bad-hair day is meaningless. No ringing phones and overheard arguments. No weird smells. No Muzak. Office with a window — that actually opens. Free to adjust the thermostat. Break-time walk around the yard instead of a parking lot. Introvert not forced to be around people eight to 10 hours a day. I'm one of the lucky ones. Wendy Sieja

To the Editor: Like many others, I was made to work from home. Because of that, I was able to see my 1-year-old son take his first steps. I would have otherwise been at work. Michael Mikulec

To the Editor: So many books, not enough time, has always been my go-to excuse for not reading more. This year, so many good books and lots of time. Stephanie Nicholas Acquadro

To the Editor: What was good about 2020? Not a thing. Not one damned thing. John Medinger

To the Editor: For much longer than we initially expected, we all slowed down. We saved time on our commutes, many of us picked up hobbies never thought possible because of the time commitment (hello, sourdough!), we graciously waited as co-workers figured out their microphone issues. Families and partners experienced a new mundane that became the new normal, and young adults across the country found themselves home with Mom and Dad — a gift to at least one of those parties. Alexandra Davis