Before I do more catch up posts, I thought I'd tell you bit about what I have planned for 2022... not sure if they are goals, plans, wishes or dreams... probably all of the above!

We have been back in our own home for about 6 months now... and they have gone by quickly! When I look around, I can see that we have made progress... we now have solar panels on the roof and I have an a/c in my studio! Which means I can come out here on hot days 🙂

Work on the septic has not yet begun, but we have made a start on a few preps for it. We needed to move the driveway before the septic can go in, so that is almost done... and now we are waiting for a few more trees to be uprooted... I keep telling myself, it is going to look great... it is going to look great.... !

I've been doing a LOT of sorting, decluttering and organizing in the house. I also keep telling DH that I think I am almost done... hahaha! When I am done with the house, it will be the first time in about 10 years that I'll have finally unpacked EVERYTHING.

I've also done a lot of work in the studio... but it still needs heaps more sorting etc... so I have decided to give myself grace and take my time.. which means there will be no "new" BOM this year...

But first - finishing instructions for Let's Stay Home? Yes, I am working on them and hope to put up a post on Friday 🙂

This Year's BOM

Like I said there will be no "new" BOM this year, but I have decided to run the Gingerbread Viillage one again 🙂

Gingerbread Village Block of the month

I know that I have a lot of new followers since I put it out in 2019.. and I also know there are some who haven't finished it (ahem, like me!!!!). You know that I am the worst at finishing things... so, starting this month, I'll post a block every 3rd Wednesday of the Month.


Even before I got accepted as an Accuquilt Australia Associate, I wanted to start using the dies I already have. So that is one of my "goals"... to use the dies I have - to cut up scraps, and to make quilts. I managed to find them all (amazing!) and organize them!

As part of my job with Accuquilt Australia, I'll be making a project a month, which will go on their blog on the first Wednesday of the month, but I am also thinking of hosting either a block of the month, or a sew-a-long... I'll keep you posted!

Lori Holt Sewalongs

It was my birthday last week and I treated myself to the Chicken Salad Sewalong Kit (affiliate link) so that I could join in on Lori's sewalong! I've wanted to join in on her sewalongs for a while now, but never got a chance. Since this one is with chickens, I had to!! I love chooks and can't wait to get some real ones again....

The kit is being shipped today.... and hopefully it will be here in time for the sewalong start on the 14th!

I wonder, is anyone else joining in?

Spring Clean Your UFOs Challenge

It's been a while since I last sorted through my UFOs and ran this challenge.. in fact, it was in April 2019... hmm... there seems to be a theme here... last time my life was organized...?! I think all of us who did the challenge had fun, but I'm sure we have all created a few more UFOs since then.

I'll be starting this UFO Spring Cleaning Challenge on the 20th of March. Like last time I'll be running it in our Facebook group, but for those who are not on FB I will try to set it up properly as a mini email course this time.

Stay tuned for more on that!

Other Plans

Of course I am planning out Christmas in July, joining in on as many blogs hops as I can, and running some impromptu QALS and SALS... but those plans above are the main ones that you might be interested in joining me with this year.

Make sure you sign up for my newsletter to stay updated... that is another area that I will work on this year, being more consistent with sending out updates!

Will 2022 be the year I finally get... O....O..... OR....ORG..... ORGANIZED???!!!

Well, we can but hope!

Ok, I'm off to make myself yet another pot of tea and do some blog visiting!