A letter from Odyssey, Editor-in-chief of Anime Hajime:

Dear valued readers,

First, let me make it absolutely clear:

Anime Hajime is NOT going anywhere.

However, looking into the very near future, the site's current schedule, format, and style may become untenable. And that is due to one very important reason: I will be becoming a dad!

Therefore, I hope you can appreciate how busy - and sleep-deprived - my day-to-day will soon be. As such, I do not believe Anime Hajime can continue at the rate it has been going these past seven years. And yet, I still want to ensure you have access to top-quality anime content.

Thus, I have decided that Anime Hajime will take a temporary break this March 2022. In doing so, I hope to accomplish the following:

  1. A recharge to my batteries.
  2. Make necessary updates and revisions to the site.
  3. Create the foundation for content series that can become more regular and encompassing.

How any of that is going to look, I, as of this announcement, have no idea. But I can say this, anime reviews will see a significant facelift.

Now, will I say that ZERO content will release this March? No. It is entirely possible - heck, it's entirely likely - an upload will grace the front page.

Of course, though, we are always looking for guest writers to add their voices to Anime Hajime. For more information, please see our WRITE FOR ANIME HAJIME page. We would love to have you!

Stay safe out there, and expect regular anime content again starting April 1.

With love,
