Hello 👋

After being totally broken yesterday, my husband read my latest post on Shades of me and has decided to talk to me. He took a pencil and a notebook and said " Let's do couple therapy and find out the reason you feel as you do."

So yesterday, he has been my therapist and thereafter I somehow did the same to him. While he focused on asking questions about my past relationships, our marriage and how childbirth would change our lives, I've asked questions directed to his knowledge about his wife (me 😅) and if he knew how to sustain a marriage to questions about his self-esteem, fears and self-developments effect on the quality of the marriage. For both of us it was a very deep experience and a moment of total honesty which could not end up without tearing up from time to time.

I've found out that divorce is a word which can awaken anxiety and insecurity as well as the feeling of abandonment. I've also learned that I'm my husbands safety zone and the reason behind his confidence, thus as his therapist 😂 I concluded that he needs to work on getting confidence on his own by working on his weaknesses and by putting his strengths into use. This came after I've asked him about his confidence in his feelings for me and then asked him why he is scared of divorce. During the conversation I've found out that my relationship can be so much better as long as my husband starts believing in himself.

In my case he concluded that we still love each other a lot and that we will go through the situation together but there is no divorce in the picture. Such a simpleton 😂… Nevertheless, he is mine. And we will repeat this session gladly again, maybe in more pleasant circumstances next time.

Have a pleasant weekend!

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