Is the Ukraine crisis about a plot of barely governable buffer-State land, or a much bigger prize? Picking up on events from 2014, The Slog investigates.

If there's one thing that sets me apart from most people, it is the capacity to get frustrated by explanations that don't add up because a piece of the puzzle is missing. It's something I freely admit to being obsessive the point of outright anger until the missing piece is found. Given the near-total lack of full disclosure by governments, corporations, journalists and other freelance narcissists today, you could say I was born to comment on contemporary affairs - or that I spend all my life being angry. All depends on your viewing hide: like most features of personality, it's a gift and a curse.

I make no secret of the fact that I was very surprised when Putin did in the end launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine last week. On the surface of the dispute - NATO incursions, provocations and the issue of needing a dimilitarised buffer State - nothing had changed: Vlad the Lad was as usual making the EUNATO dumbos look silly, laughing off "hysterical war propaganda" and saying to his adversaries across the chess board, "Your move, I believe".

The gutter-level media/CIA/MI6 decision to depict Putin as "irrational" on the subject of Ukraine was dumbed down a few more notches by Murdoch's New York Post to ensure that John Doe bigots got the point clearly. But this kind of stuff is meat and drink to Vlad: it's like water off a duck's back. It doesn't strike me as the kind of puerile insult likely to make a grand strategist blow his cool and invade an entire sovereign State. My colleague Amy Boone has pointed out with clinical accuracy and dogged thoroughness why the Russian leader needs this foreign adventure into a land of inter-tribal violence and corruption like a new hole in his head.

So my own starting point on Friday was that something became urgent this week just gone. Something so important, failure to act would have changed the geopolitical game perhaps irreversibly. The first thing that struck me once the Russian invasion got under way was the order of priorities apparent in the early (and rapidly) secured targets. The airport (obviously, to cut off means of escape for fomenters of trouble) and the Parliament building (equally vital if there's a political connection between legislators and Western intelligence) were predictable fare. But the interesting thing was the obvious focus on US-funded biolabs inside Ukraine. That's not about the collapse of buffer States to the West: it maay well be about knocking out cutting-edge military capability on a much broader scale....or perhaps even more likely, capturing technical knowledge.

A brief time-out now into the murky ether that is an emerging New World Order. One major feature of that dystopian Hell is the concept of transhuman robots - a type of artificial intelligence which would have an advantage over real human beings. In, for example, a war or other form of covert operation. Another is cyber weaponry with the ability to knock out communications...a area where Russia has a lead at present. A further element is the use of nano-debris (positioned as a "vaccine") to gradually over time invade a human by stealth and render them anything from sterile to dead.

There is one recently developed material (a substance with truly astonishing and alarming capacities) that is essential to the realisation of transhuman, cyber, military and depopulation objectives. That novochok - 'new stuff' - is called Graphene.

Some of the world's leading graphene scientists and biowarfare experts are based in the Ukraine, and funded by the Pentagon. But the real cutting edge of this nanotechnology lies inside the Ukrainian States recognised by Russia last week as independent nations.

This is not the first time The Slog has pointed this out: two posts during the 2014 dust-up recorded in detail some of the corporate and executive players involved. Specifically, on April 9th 2014, I revealed the following:

  1. Graphene's relevance to the EUNATO Human Brain Project (HBP) being developed at the cost of €2billion in association with the US
  2. A robot using graphene would make brain function a hundred times faster, and graphene skin a hundred times stronger than steel
  3. The US funded American Graphite Technologies Inc.(AGIN) is a mysterious outfit. The plan was to float the company on the NYSE, but this was disallowed for security reasons.

Two days later, further digging revealed the following:

  1. American Graphite Technologies, working on the 'P600' 3D Graphene project in Eastern Ukraine, was formed from a shell company by its president, US citizen Rick Walchuk. Of its team of eight at work in Khakov, three were weapons scientists.
  2. Walchuk is an asset stripper who normally sticks around long enough to run the scam, and then moves on to the next mug. But he didn't do that with AGIN.
  3. The West supplied heavies from Blackwater to give riot control advice and security staff to the Khakov operation.
  4. The Agin site at the time named Dmitry Vynogradov as the lead team member of the P600 (3D Graphene). He was a research scientist at the Ukraine National Science Center "KIPT" with 'extensive experience in the design and manufacture of unique experimental research and instruments in the investigation of properties of nano-materials and graphite nanotubes'.

Walchuk (left) remained as Head of AGIN until 2015. He then resigned, but this was 'not the result of any disagreement with the company regarding its operations, policies, practices or otherwise'. So he just resigned for no reason, the way you do.

He's quite a peripatetic sort of chap: he has operated variously out of Las Vegas, Canada, Greece and Ukraine. He has faced charges of insider trading, but not done time (as far as I can gather) and appears to have some powerful friends....who are vastly outnumbered by his detractors.


Dmitry Vynogradov resigned a year later. But he has gone on to conduct collaborative research and commercial consulting projects with EUNATO associated companies in the field of nanotechnology. Concern about such corporations is nothing new. In May 2020 - as doubts were beginning to be widely expressed about whether Covid19 was a natural or lab-created virus - Russia and China made a joint complaint to the US about why their biolabs in former Warsaw Pact nations 'pose a public health risk':

'Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said Beijing was concerned about American research laboratories in former Soviet nations, supporting accusations made by Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova....The United States has created many laboratories in the territory of the former Soviet Union, which evokes serious public worries in the neighboring countries concerned.'

A month earlier, the US Embassy in Ukraine was forced to admit that

'Here in Ukraine, the U.S. Department of Defense's Biological Threat Reduction Program works with the Ukrainian Government to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern in Ukrainian government facilities, while allowing for peaceful research and vaccine development. We also work with our Ukrainian partners to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats' (pause for laughter here)....'Chairman of the Political Council of Oppostion Platform - For Life party Viktor Medvedchuk turned to the Ukrainian government, asking to provide information about the work of 15 U.S. military scientific labs. According to Medvedchuk, the labs perform illegal activity, which threatens lives and health of Ukrainian citizens. He also claimed that there's an international organization, the Scientific and Technical Centre in Ukraine, funded by the U.S. government. Its workers enjoy diplomatic immunity'.

Although listed as having 'no operations', AGIN remains something of a go-to source for up to date information about graphene's potential....but the process is akin to lassoing ether. For me, the entire construct has all the hallmarks of a development process that has ceased to be commercial, and been taken over by those in charge of strict security on a Pentagon/New World Order project.

If you want an oven-fresh heads up on just how sensitive the US Unelected State is about their Ukrainian biowarfare operations, this tweet from yesterday - which specifically fingers the Pentagon - serves to ram home the point:

It is at this point in my analysis that the reader should be clear about just how interconnected and revolutionary the applications of graphene nanotechnology and biowarfare are.

*It is a bioweapon in its ability to cause serious and probably mortal danger to human beings. Think Wuhan, Covid19 and vaccines that aren't vaccines.

*It arrives at a crucial point in physics where reduced mass can enable the beginning of interstellar travel, because it is only one atom thick. (See previous Slogpost on this - scroll down to final item)

*It can effectively turn a fragile 3D human soldier into an invisibly indestructible transhuman killing machine. Think Davos and its nightmare futures.

Ultimately, however, what most observers have failed to grasp is that graphene nanotechnology and transhuman development are interdependent: "vaccination" debris has shown conclusively that graphene is a bioweapon in its own right, but it is also vital for transhuman brain development, skin grafting and the 2D "invisibility" that makes a "humbot" hard to kill in battle, and hard to see during espionage ops.

In non-Russian speaking Ukraine to the West and North, we see 11 Pentagon controlled bioweapon labs. To the East and South, we see a world-leading centre of cutting-edge graphene use where (as Amy Boone pointed out last week) there have been numerous post 2014 ceasefire provocations initiated by the West.

Is a game-changing weaponry gain (or loss) more important than a buffer State? In this instance, the answer may well be in the affirmative. It would be impossible to overstate the degree of risk Vladimir Putin has taken in undertaking his "demilitarisation" action. In 2017, respected Norwegian Ukraine-watcher Jokull Johannesson wrote:

'.....contingency factors limit the options and freedom of action for the Russian government in a total war with Ukraine. Particularly, the Russian government needs to take into consideration the impact the Ukraine conflict has and will have on all aspects of life in the Russian Federation; these consequences are many. First is the direct impact on the economy as consequences of the sanctions imposed by, primarily, the United States and the European Union. The Russian ruble has taken a hit in the currency markets, capital flight is rampant and shortage of certain consumer goods is nibbling at the political support of the middle class for President Putin. Second, the Russian government faces an increasing diplomatic and political isolation which is detrimental to its status as a world player and hurts President Putin's personal status and reputation internally and globally and, the new round of USA sanctions by the President Trump administration further isolates Russia. Third, there is the ever-present danger of escalation of the war between Russia and Ukraine by use of weapons of mass destruction and plausible intervention by other countries....the answer to the riddle why Russia has not waged a total war on Ukraine and conquered Kiev is that external and internal contingency factors, such as economic, diplomatic and geopolitical contingencies, have limited Russia's actions.'

In the wake of Russia's full-on invasion, there is thus another riddle: why on Earth - when he had the moral high ground in terms of NATO expansion since 1997 - did the Russian President plunge into a snakepit of Ukrainian corruption and Anglo-EUNATO demonisation? (Johannessan was prescient in 2017 when he predicted that Ukrainian forces would not be a pushover: as I write, Kiev is still controlled by Zelensky

The answer could well be "very high geopolitically technological stakes". I simply don't buy the MIC drivel about Putin being unbalanced, irrational, and - as of this morning apparently - "a lonely tyrant who no longer listens to calmer advice": that's just more mad-dog Putin IABATO.

I would go further on this issue: I've never really seen any powerful evidence to convince me that NATO's huffety-puff was genuinely based on a desire to see an unstable, neo-Nazi riddled and amoral political entity safely esconced into the EU (struggling enough as it is) and NATO. The US "élite" is of course ignorant and mad enough to do stuff like that, but the good burghers of Brussels are not exactly ecstatic about the idea. I think what we're seeing now is a pretence of concern by the West for Ukraine's "viability" (a laughable concept) and a Russian leader milking a "my patience with NATO duplicity is exhausted" for all its worth: he does feel that - and it's hard to argue with his logic - but both sides are competing for control of a mind-boggling military technology lead, not a plot of scorched earth.

I suspect Washington, like Putin, hoped for a peace conference they could exploit. Last week, I suspect the Russian leader (himself a former senior KGB spy) received military intelligence that convinced him that was a now or never moment; and I contend that choosing biolabs as the key military target (plus the shredders working 24/7 in those labs) support the speculation.

It's all getting just a bit messy. Stay tuned - if only because you won't read any of this in the MSM.

The author gratefully acknowledges the contribution made by AJC Boone to the above post

Footnote: as the geopolitical situation becomes more distractive, complex and military in nature, it is obvious that social and "news" media will become both more censorious and factually dubious. Personally, I have no doubt that ultimately this site will be deplatformed at some point - and banned from social media sooner rather than later.

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