WEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY- February 14, 2022 - February 20, 2022

WEEKLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY-February 14, 2022 - February 20, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

 Everything around is a part of life, the problems, the happiness we find, the pain we endure, the accomplishment's. It's a cycle for which everything is essential. Hermann J Steinherr

The waves of life will always ebb and flow, storm and then calm. This is the way of things. Instead of fighting a natural cycle, which is about as fruitless as trying to karate kick a wave and thinking you can hold it back. Can you find that calm, centered place within that knows instinctively how to ride out the low tides, typhoons, floods, and storm surges of life. And further, can you use these storms to strengthen your center and stay balanced. As you anchor yourself in the positive energy of a deep inner fortitude and balance that is rooted within, you will begin to notice that the inevitable storms of life no longer unbalance you as much as they used to. That is because circumstances that once challenged you have now strengthened you.

Affirmation: I find the middle ground, and stop fighting what is, I am stronger than this.

I hope you join me on my weekly podcast here: Looking at Your Spiritual Journey and your Twin Soul relationship with Lady Dyanna or on Patreon where I have a weekly chat or healing meditation every Saturday at 3PM EST.

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Please check out Ravenhawk's and Crystal Dawn Books and Gifts for your spiritual and magical supplies.