Thursday, March 31, 2022

How To Stop Your Toddler From Hitting

Scary Mommy
Mar 31, 2022
I Missed My Child's Birth
It's hard when your birth plan goes totally off the rails, and it can take time to recover from the experience. Writer Erin Hug didn't want a Cesarean at all, so she was particularly upset when a gruff doctor informed her they'd have to perform hers under general anesthesia. It made her feel disconnected, and it took time to recover.

"In the movie version of my life, they bring the baby in, and I'm overcome with relief and joy, and I hug the baby, and I whisper to her that I'm her mama. That's not what happened," she writes. "In real life, they wheeled in a baby I didn't know, and she was too tiny, and they asked if I wanted to hold her, and I said yes, but secretly I didn't want to because she was so fragile, and I didn't want to hurt her."

I am not embarrassed to admit that I teared up reading about the moment where everything finally clicked! 

— Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
Let Your Kids Get Dirty, Even If You're A Neat Freak Like Me
If you hate mess, but want your kids to reap the numerous benefits of nature-based play in the dirt, you're not alone. Here are some suggestions for how to keep it fun, but contained. Read More
How To (Gently) Stop A Toddler From Hitting
It's an experience familiar to many parents: taking a hit from a tiny first, then stressing about how you're going to make them stop. Don't freak out! Help is here. Read More
Guess Which Parenting Book Minnie Driver Literally Threw Out A Window
Not only that, she broke the window! "I threw it out because I felt so overwhelmed and I kept thinking 'This just cannot possibly be true for every single baby…'" Give it your best shot, then click through to see what it was. Read More
Did I Just Pee Myself?
"For two years, I have had the constant sensation that I have to pee," writes Angela Hatem. She recounts her journey to actually getting some help, despite people telling her that's just what happens when you have a baby and medical professionals just directing her toward Kegels. "I wasn't fine, and I didn't need a Kegel. A bagel, maybe but not a Kegel. Beyond carbs, what I needed was for someone to listen to me, to hear the words I was saying and not write me off as a Kegel case." Her advice to anybody in the same position is simple: advocate.
Read More
What We're Reading
15 Totally Outdated Pieces of Baby Advice
How to Talk to Your Partner About Having More Sex
Here's How Being Sick During Ovulation Can Impact Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

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