I started FNSI on Friday morning, and kept going today... so I got all sorts of things done!


I took some of these....

And sewed them into this:

Refurbished my old ironing board:

(While Loki slept in his basket on the table in the background)

And rearranged stuff so that Emmie G is ready to go:

I still have things to sort but I am getting close!

UFO Spring Cleaning Challenge

I was going to start the UFO Spring Challenge tomorrow... but since we've been sick and have had all the water issues, I am not ready... I also just heard that I have jury duty in a few weeks, so I have decided to postpone it - probably after Easter now. I'll keep you updated!

Thank you Wendy for hosting FNSI every month! If you want to see what everyone else was doing, check out the list here.

Well, I'm off to bed... hope you are all having a lovely weekend!