My dear friend and fellow author's books are always so long, her editor has her cut back on the number of words. We write in different genres, but I doubt I could ever write as many words in a novel as she does. I write contemporary inspirational romance novels which typically are around 65,000 words.

The biggest struggle for me is creating different locations for my characters to keep the setting interesting. Sometimes I get hung up on doing this, when it probably isn't necessary. My books are heavily character driven, so I hope the reader is invested in the characters instead of where they are at any given moment.

Still, it would be terribly boring if every scene was staged in the very same place. People don't spend their entire days in one spot. Oh, wait, for the most part, I do! LOL! Most days are spent in my office! Now that would be a very boring book! The author sat to write. And she wrote that day, and the next, and the next. I'm envisioning Snoopy sitting on his doghouse writing those words after it was a dark and stormy night.

Writing is a fun adventure. I admire all the authors who create new worlds of fantasy. New words, new languages...I love to read them, but what a mind-boggling task it would be for me to attempt. Which I won't. Ever. Instead I'll sit here moving my characters through scenes, hoping I vary the settings just the right amount.