My dad paid me a visit in the evening of 22nd August 2021 saying he only wanted to see his grandchildren he did not meet since a long time. I felt nervous fearing that he would tell me to stay in his house instead of my grandmother's. Luckily this time it was only visitation. Somehow I smelled that it was all my mother's doing. Visiting my kids was only a pretext to check on me without awakening suspicion. Nevertheless, I kept my cool but inside I felt sad. My father told me just one year before to not even think of coming to his funeral and dah… he came himself to me under pressure of my mother.

After he left I packed my bag, made kids fall asleep, put my phone to charge and changed my clothes into the ones I would wear while travelling. But I felt so tensed I could not fall asleep that day. I were on my feet by 2 am, had some tea and then took my bag and headed out. During my walk to the train station I felt like an animal running away from a hunter. But even so I did not turn around I headed forward. I reached the train station and waited for the train. I felt pretty tired and disoriented and fearful how things would go as I had a limited amount of money with me.

Once I reached Krakow, I headed for the tram. It started raining pretty much at that time and I still did not have a clue about how to reach the place where I booked my vaccination. I had to use the GPS but I felt so cold and uncomfortable and the rain got pretty heavy I kept going in circles for 20-30 minutes. Then I found the direction and headed straight without looking back. Then while I was crossing the road, a big rolly drive past and all the rain that was on the ground came all over me. I felt sad but I had to keep going. I crossed the road and arrived at the place 15 minutes before time. My phone was fully drenched but still working, but the battery level kept me worrying.

After the vaccination, I headed as quickly as possible back to the main Krakow station. I missed one tram but luckily got into another one shortly after. When I reached the Krakow main station I tried to find a place where I could print out my documents but without any luck and the time started time and I did not have a choice but to run to the bus station. When I reached there, the bus was not there yet. It arrived with 20 minutes delay. Once I got inside the bus another disappointment crossed me. There was no place where I could charge my phone. I felt pretty exhausted at that time so I tried to relax. I've never expected that when I reach Warsaw the bus would come with a delay of minimum 1 hour. I stepped quickly into the center on the West Warsaw bus station and bought something quickly, by then I realized that I really need to find a taxi driver. To my surpise I had only 40 zloty on me and it took me 3 drivers to finally meeta decent person that would take me to the airport without asking for more.

Once I reached the airport I had about 1 hour before boarding. But it did not help me at all because my phone was not working. I could not charge it, even drying it with a dryier did not help. My hands started shaking. Then I took a deep breath and run outside opening my luggage and took out my laptop. I could luckily access one of my e-mail accounts and show my visa, then I struggle with showing my covid test results. The flight attendant felt sorry for me and decided to give me her own phone to show the proof of the test. At that moment my luggage was takeninside the plane. But I still could not go I had to show that I filled up the PassTrack that Pakistan required fro boarding. Somehow I managed to do it but the application would not accept anything else than photos, there I got help from the flight attendent once again. After that I had 5 minutes to go. I run all the way in to the plane as the last person on the passenger list. I sat down, all sweaty, finally able to breath. I took out the charger cable but it would still not work so awkwardly I put my phone inside of my pant to dry it with the help of my bodyheat and finally after 1 hour I could charge it. I plug it into my laptop that I had with me.

Usually I would take a nap when travelling by plane but that day I could not sleep even a wink. I was too much terrified fo what else could go wrong.

The rest you can see in the video below :

Thank you for reading & watching!

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