Today I have decided to give time limit to all my tasks and do it within a fix time frame. I am creating to-do list for my office work and I think it's best time to upgrade it and assign some time limit to it.

Today was Sunday and I did nothing productive and that's why I really felt an urge to assign time limit to task and making a to-do list for weekend as well. My tasks are getting complete but there is no way to verify, how many task done and if the task were some legit tasks or some mundane task. Honestly the task which are getting complete apart from my office work, are mostly related to this blog or some household work. I really want to complete some other task as well, like promoting this blog on social media and upgrading my skills and I am not able to do that.

One more important thing that a time bound to-do list will do is removing question from mind: What to do next? I think this is the question where I stuck the most and then end up watching movies and random YouTube videos which are not helping me in my growth. I really want to do some great things and manging time will play a very crucial role.

Let's see how I could achieve this part and upgrade myself.

So today's learning: "Plan things with a time limit."

Have a Great Day