A life in wholesome solitude comes with several benefits:

  • you have peace that nothing is impeding on your simple joys
  • you are healthy and a canvas for creative expression
  • you have a perfect space to fully and wholly praise Jesus
  • you give praises in LOUD servitude because that what he deserves

Now, in order to get your weekly (preferably daily) earnest prayer out, Here's some #Queen3ims type tips to keep it HOLY.

First, Familiarize yourself with some good praise Jesus loving songs and listen at the same time daily.

This is to massage the earwaves with messagin Christ recognizes and enjoys.

2nd, pray every morning on your knees

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for waking me up.

I am grateful for life and breath

I am grateful for love and respect

Order my steps, I invite you into my Entire day for love and for guidance

In the mighty Name of JESUS, Amen

This is to invite Jesus's Dad into your life as extra shield for the Christ living within you. Your dedication to him attracts Powerful demons

3rd. serve others in need of his presence.

Suggest Jesus at all times, you living freely is great proof sauce of his mighty works.

Sing for Christ if that is what you like, Do it the best for him

Play football for Christ, Bake for Christ, Garden for Christ or my absolute favorite service: CAP FOR CHRIST

Christ loving is a gift, and his strength inside you makes for an exciting, peaceful and joyful life

Always know that believing he died and resurrected as the Son of God is the activating force to being saved from the BS ukraine and russia are doing. do it for your kids. JESUS LOVES THE KIDS.


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