Yesterday until well into the night, I stumbled and give in to the fear and anxiety. I watched and read too much news from too many sources. By giving into fear and anxiety, I am not being a helpmate to my husband or a godly mother. Anyone watching the news can see it's a powder keg begging to go off. My husband I were stunned when we saw the power plant on the fire. There are plenty of dirty hands in all of this and there will be plenty of dirty hands when it is all said and done. My heart breaks for the children, the disabled, the elderly, and the young men on both sides that didn't sign up for THIS WAR. Today, I haven't watched the news or read the paper all day. In fact, I did none of the workings of the home today. I did teach 6 hours of school lessons. I didn't work out. I stayed in my PJs until noon. My husband suggested we go for a drive, pick up steel, and go have a late lunch. I agreed. I showered, dressed, and put on makeup. I donned my sunflower jewelry which has always been my signature piece.

Normally, I am quite stoic. Yet, my face will show every emotion when I am very worried and I am not being mindful about it. I am very worried about our world and our nation. The writing is on the wall that we as a Nation need to make fundamental changes. I find going for a drive very calming. My husband and I talked, both agreeing that ultimately, God is in control. I am going back to the early morning workout tomorrow as I watch the news. I process the news more calmly when I am running on my treadmill. We have plenty of work projects and prayerful reflection to do.

Over the next 90 days, I will be working daily on proverbs 31 womanhood. I am always striving to be the best Proverbs woman I can be.

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