How a book made a child's life different, and helped her/him get into the habits of reading, and loving it, translated…

It was, about the fifth grade, when my happy, carefree childhood became, overshadowed with the upsets, I either envied how my classmates could take up piano lessons, or that I'd bugged my parents to give me dolls with the clothes I can change them into, to have a dog, but, all of these wishes, all fell out, I'd felt, that nothing was going my way, that I was so unhappy.

One day, as I arrived home from school, there was, a "dog", exactly the breed I'd wanted, a white spitz, it was printed on the cover of a book: "Missing You————the Memoirs of a Dog".  From when I was young, my father would bring home the reading materials, the story books to me, and I'd, this book very quickly.  As I found free time later on, I'd, often read, reread this books, felt, that I actually, had a dog of my own.  He, chased my annoying wants, and, brought me that sense of happiness I hadn't realized I could have for a long, long time.

instilling the love of reading in children starting at a young from online

One day, I'd picked up this book, and, saw on the preface, that I'd, always skipped on the passage stated, "there are so many children who can't have dogs, and I feel bad for them, so, I am giving these young readers a gift, so they can have, a 'Snow' of their own after they read, becoming 'Snow's' best friend." As I read through the passage, I'd felt, that sense of moving I'd never felt before, like receiving a present for Christmas, with the handwritten letters from Santa too!

I'm truly grateful for the writer, Lin, to allow me to feel the joys of having a dog n my childhood years, to feel the warmth of the love of the writer, to know how amazing it is, in a world of books.  For me, Mr. Lin became that sunshine, that warmed my heart up.

And so, this, is the influence of books to children, which showed how important it is, the parents need to tell their children stories, to instill that love of reading in them, and, reading is a good spare time activity, compared to gluing the eyes onto that cell phone screen, T.V. screen, or computer screen, and this habit of reading should start off at a young age.