"I do not have time for things that have no soul"

Charles Bukowski

By Ghislaine T Vode

Let me introduce this new topic with these few words i wrote, as a quote. " When you are passionate about something, you learn to let go of all things that hinder your passion. It includes letting go of what people think of you. Not because it does not matter. But rather because it becomes one of those important parts of your journey that you can't control; and therefore should never take for granted" ~Wena

I've always been intimidated by the word womanhood. Not because I've ever been anything else other than being a girl/woman. Not either because being a woman does not mean so much to me.  It is just exacerbating to hear other people's definition of that very word: womanhood….

Being born and raised in a single parent household by a single father, I guess i learned a sense of womanhood from strong women role models who inspired me in life early on. And i also learned "womanhood", unfortunately,  by those words we get thrown at every now and then, by people who are intimidated by the word womanhood, those who envy it, or those who bluntly despise it. Womanhood. Being told, as you grow into becoming a woman, words like "You are not a woman" because a "woman" does not do this"or a woman "does not look like this",  can be intimidating. There is no such thing as a mild rejection when it causes you to self destruct.

Nowadays, the strongest influence i use to define my womanhood is not by what i should do, or look like,  but rather instead by the word "beauty". That word "beauty"  alone contrains anything and everything to me that i was, am and can be. When you don't know who around you to look up to, i want to encourage you.  Describe your womanhood, look up to the closest word that you can find, that describe to you best, who you will always be.  I realize that whatever looks easy now for me came at a great price. And I'll never take it for granted.
I have good news for you today and some bad news. First the bad news ..there are people, in the world that we live in, who reject other people for being who they are.Now, the good news is,You don't have to be one of those who reject others for being happily who they are. You don't have to make other people feel miserable everytime you are unhappy. Being rejected cannot, should not, stop you from being your Happy self again…unless you let it.

Rejection  does not have to be the end of the world for you. Of course it hurts. A lot. But rejection is not something you can always predict, anticipate, help, expect, or in some cases  stop; just like you can't help people feeling a certain way about you. It can come anytime, at the oddest times from anyone including people that you never expected it from. I want to use that quote by Charles Bukowski again and encourage you. What do you make time for in your life? Of all the things you choose to make time for in your life, rejection should not have to be one of them.

It's time that you celebrate what makes you unique inside out. Honor your story, honor those who came before you and made it possible for you to exist at the highest level possible. Don't wait for someone to reject you before you acknowkedge, respect and honor what you are. Your attributes, physical, mental, racial .. are what connect you to the World. You were designed that way: to connect to the world. It's up to you to enjoy those attributes, protect them, use them to the best of your abilities and not allow yourself to be offended everytime someone chooses (by ignorance) not to see that in you.You ought to get to know and treasure about yourself the things that you can't change about you; especially when they are designed for you.

Happy transitionning away from rejection....

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