Underneath the silky smooth surfaces, there's something that's, slowly, rotting away, it's just, that we'd, painted that over, coat after coat after coat, that it'd become, invisible to our, naked eyes.

Underneath the silky smooth surfaces, something's not quite right, you can't see it, but, your six sense tells you so, and, you try to ignore what your six sense is telling you about it, but you can't, and it eventually, become this, huge black hole inside your mind, making you doubt everything around you.

Underneath the silky smooth surfaces, something was, going on, but what?  You can't quite get a grasp on it, and so, you told yourselves, that it's, quite all right, nothing's wrong, and then, all it took, was that tiny speck of dust, to bring it all, down.

rotten in the core, but it looks fine on the outside...photo from online

And you're still, painting it over, pretending that everything's, a-okay, because you can't cope with it, any other, way.

Underneath the silky smooth surfaces, the things rotting out will eventually, take over, and you will have, NOTHING to cover your lies with, then what, huh???

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