Are You Searching for Peace, Comfort, and Calm in the Storm? Jesus was too!

Are you Spending time with Family and Friends to celebrate Easter, Resurrection Sunday?

Today is Passover! Jesus anguished his death as he knew what was about to come. Jesus, yearned to be with those He Loved! To prepare his disciples, speaking words of comfort for their thoughts of Hopelessness in the future.

Are you spending time with Family and Friends to celebrate Easter, Resurrection Sunday? Jesus cherished the Passover Meal with his family before he Died.

Jesus was desperate to share his Last Supper with his closest loved ones, the Jewish Holiday Passover. Today we will do the same. Sometime we can't be where our hearts are. Jesus knew that, so Jesus reminded his Disciples "Do this in Remembrance of Me?"

Today the same words ring true! Jesus, wants you to know that he died for you! Jesus died for your sins that you have the Hope of Heaven to be with Him.

He died to set the captives free, to release the brokenhearted, to heal you of all your diseases. How about the #Coronavirus? So many have lost loved ones and now are isolated, feeling lost, hopeless, and all alone. Even during the storms of life Jesus sends you His peace!

We are never ALONE! God IS With Us! Ask Jesus to come in and live in your heart forever! Jesus said when He left He would send the Holy Spirit as our comforter!

Lord Jesus I pray for my friends and family, I pray that you would wrap your arms of love around them fill their hearts with your Peace, for your perfect Love cast out all fear!

Lord, I pray Repentance for this land, I pray Forgiveness of sin, I pray Salvation to those who do not know Jesus, I pray for Restoration in families BY THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION, LASTLY I pray healing over this land, to restore our Nation to the biblical values America was once was based upon!

In Jesus Name. Amen

There is #AlwaysHope #HopeForTheHurting #Passover #YoungLivingPeaceAndCalming

#PeaceInTheStorm#HopeOverHopelessness #YoungLivingHope YoungLivingStressAway

#SeekPeaceOrFollowFear #PeaceDuringCoronavirus #PeaceAndCalming #DoNotFear #BeStrongAndCourageous#FearOrFaith#WorryOrPeace#HopeInThisHarriedWorld