Here's another collection of reads that especially caught my eye this week.

Meat From the Sky and the Resurrection's Plausibility, HT to Challies. "No one knows for certain how a half-bushel of raw meat fell from the heavens. The very idea of a meat shower seems absurd. And yet there are good reasons to think it really happened. Two of them can also help us trust the veracity of Jesus's resurrection."

One of the Most Overlooked Arguments for the Resurrection, HT toChallies. "It is an often overlooked fact that provides the necessary context for the discussion. That fact is simply this: the earliest Christians came to believe, against all odds and against all expectations, that Jesus of Nazareth had been raised from the dead."

More Than Doing: Categories for Applying God's Word. "But how do we do Bible texts like those found in the book of Judges? How do we do narratives, historical accounts, chronologies, prophetic literature, or Old Testament laws written for the people of Israel? How do we apply God's Word when there's nothing in the passage for us to do?"

Was Jesus Punctual? HT to Challies. "The English phrase 'don't waste your time' has an equivalent in Spanish: 'no pierdas el tiempo', which strictly translated means 'don't lose [the] time'. There is, nonetheless, a subtle difference between the English and the Spanish. Whereas a Westerner feels they can control time (by deciding whether to waste it or not), a Latin American feels they cannot control time (it gets lost)."

Seedlings Need the Weather, HT to Challies. "When we asked a gardener friend, he told us that the absence of difficulty was not the solution to their problem. It was the problem. The trouble for our seedlings—the trouble that made them weak—was that they had no trouble. Without at least some exposure to the elements, they would never grow strong."

Who Will Speak Up for the Transgender Kid? HT to Challies. "This is the brutal reality of 'gender affirming care.' It's not really gender affirming. It's body destroying. And yet, our culture appears to be so under the spell of transgender propaganda that even some parents are going along with barbaric medical experiments performed on their own children. Some parents are manipulated into it against their better judgment after gender counselors put before them an ultimatum."

Mother Yourself Out of a Job: Nurturing Children Toward Independence. "The journey from dependent child to independent adult is never without its pulling and stretching on both sides. As young adult children relinquish their need for hands-on parenting and take up responsibility for their own lives, there is a mirrored relinquishment for which we, as their loving parents, usually need plenty of grace."

Finally, I don't know who originally said this quote, but it's one of my favorites this time of year: