How often do you feel lost in your existence?

How often do you question your reality, of what makes you, the you that you are?

It is our innate quality of memory, of rembering every single path we walked on, every smell we smelt, every touch we touched and more with our senses that acts as the building blocks of our sensory memory.

There are more crucial rather imperative aspects to our memory that gives wings to our rooted intelligence and that marks as the root of our diffrentiated perception in life. The Karma however works simply on remembering and accumulating all of our evolutionised and transfomed paradigms of existence.

The human life is an utter gift of the creation and with no offence to other forms of life on this planet, we make special entry because we have the ability to percieve and work for our betterment.

But ironically, what bewilders, shatters and annoys me is the fact that there is no big attention and priority given to the exploring the highest realms of our human mind. We have not concieved our potential and yet we are focussed on things that are degrading our asset of being human.

Only if you wish to awaken the real you in you, the real you in me, and the real me in you, I urge that we all collectively seek a better enlightened versions of our cosmic reality and that alone can happen with the power of turning inwards.

Let us not get distracted in the transformational journey and stay consistent with the process, with the sheer trust on the source of our creation.