Tuesday, April 12, 2022

WoMo Newsletter: Tuesday 12th April 2022

Hey WoMos

I'm sure you are busy with the Easter holidays! Do you have many plans? I am wondering how you are all juggling the childcare, as I ferry my youngest to and from activity camps, to be able to get my work done.  

We've had a busy few weeks with WoMo, meeting investors, raising funding and speaking with lots of wonderful companies who are excited to hear how we are supporting women in the workplace.  

Last week we held a confidence masterclass at the Sloane Club in London. We also had a fantastic WoMo team day. Our lovely team member Giselle takes part in our Meet the WoMo section and why don't you have a go at the Bodyhiit challenge by Pieta.
Whilst I expect you are going to have a busy one, I wish you a very happy Easter!

Have an amazing Easter break WoMos


On Tuesday our Founder Elizabeth and our Head of Growth Sonia ran a Confidence Masterclass at the Sloane Club in London. It was really well attended with a brilliant mix of women (and one man!) and such interesting discussion around everything from how to be your authentic self to how to ease those nerves before speaking in public or an interview. This is one of our most requested workshops as part of our coaching programme, so if you'd like to find out more just let us know!


We ran a fantastic team strategy day last week where we were planning the future of our brand and how we are going to change the world for not just maternity leave, but the future of women at work. Watch this space for some exciting updates in the near future!



This week we are delighted to feature the lovely Giselle Naimi. A Canadian-Iranian working mum who has made the UK her home for the past five years. Giselle is also part of team WoMo and is a very talented Marketing Strategist, working with small businesses and startups through her agency, Buzz Social! We absolutely love working with her and she has already made a huge impact on our team AND business.  


Our WoMo partner Pieta McCrum has curated this fantastic BODYHIIT challenge for busy women who want to feel stronger, more energized, confident and part of something much more fulfilling that just a one dimensional online fitness plan. 

BODYHIIT will help you reset your routine to feel leaner, stronger, more energized and confident than ever before. We are back in on April 18th with a fresh 6 week online health & fitness challenge to boost your 2022 to new health heights.


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