Monday again, and time to plan out my week… and check how I did last week!

Monday This and That


Last week whizzed by... we got to watch the funeral via livestream. It was a good service, and lovely to see how many lives my other mother touched. It was also closure to a certain extent.... so I was thankful that while we weren't there in person, we could still sort of be part of it.

Emmie G (my Gammill) and I spent a lot of time together last week 🙂 I must say I do enjoy quilting with her, even though I can see how out of practice I am!

As I said in the last post, Emmie G and I finished the tumbler quilt, and then after that I loaded Jean's quilt and finished that on Sunday. (More on that in another post)

Jean's Quilt finished for Monday This and That

I can see lots of binding in my future....


On Friday afternoon I got a message to say my Jury Duty was cancelled!!!!!


I'm glad, I really wasn't in the mood. That means this week I can spend some more time in the sewing room - I hope!

In the Kitchen

DH and DS weren't home for two nights last week, so I just had simple meals on those days, and once again saved some meals in my plan for this week...

Menu Plan:

Monday – Roast Turkey Roll

Tuesday – Leftovers

Wednesday – Pork Roast

Thursday – Leftovers

Friday – Chicken Chasseur

Saturday – Leftovers

Sunday – Beef Burgundy

In the Sewing Room

Chook Blocks 5, 6,7 & 8

Kitchen SAL - Canning Jars, Watermelon (maybe?), Bowls & Corn/tomatoes

Bind Tumbler Quilt

Bind Jean's Quilt

In the House and Garden

Zone 2 - Kitchen & Pantry - spend 15 min daily

Plant lettuce & rocket seeds

Thank you to everyone who joined in last week!

Do you want to join in?

You don't need to have your post formatted the same way as I do, but you can if you want... Just link your blog post containing a recap of last week, or the weekend, or your plans for this week.... or any bit of this and that you want to share with us!